Bus timetables and journey planning

Bus timetables and journey planning

Plan your journey, search for bus timetables or find out about bus service disruptions.

All Worcestershire bus information is held on the Traveline West Midlands website where you can plan your journey, search for bus timetables or find out about bus service disruptions:

Community bus routes

These are run by not-for-profit operators who use accessible vehicles with volunteer or paid drivers and provide transport for those in parts of the county which may have no or very limited registered  local bus services. Routes are usually to a nearby town or city.

Journeys must be pre-booked with the operator and all the booking details can be found on the relevant timetables below.

Community Bus routes operate on set days to a flexible timetable and can pick-up/drop-off passengers at a pre-agreed location.

A fare is payable and English National Concessionary Bus Pass holders can travel at a reduced rate of £1 per single journey which is a discretionary subsidy provided by Worcestershire County Council. Malvern Hills district resident Bus Pass holders are entitled to a further £1 per single journey reduction which is funded by Malvern Hills District Council.

Service timetable and information Day(s) of operation
CB1 Tewkesbury - Welland - Malvern (PDF) Wednesdays
CB2 Severn Stoke/Upton/Ryall to Tewkesbury (PDF) Wednesdays
CB4 Peopleton - Drakes Broughton - Pershore (PDF) Fridays
CB5 Peopleton - Drakes Broughton - Worcester (PDF) Tuesdays
CB6 Hagley - Hagley centre and also to Kidderminster, Stourbridge and Merry Hill (PDF) Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
CB7 Tenbury Wells - Leominster (PDF) The first and third Friday of the month only
HB8 Habberley Road - Canterbury Road - St John's Avenue - Kidderminster Bus Station and return (PDF) Tuesdays and Fridays
CB9 Clifton-on-Teme to Great Malvern and Retail Park via Knightwick, Alfrick and Suckley (PDF) Thursdays
CB10 Ombersley - Droitwich - Ombersley (PDF) Tuesdays

The Norton Connector Littleworth - Norton - Parkway - St Peters Tesco (Timetable webpage)

See information on the Norton Connector service

Monday to Friday
Kempsey Community Bus: Severn Stoke/Kinnersley/Kempsey area to St Peters Garden Centre/Tesco/Aldi (PDF) Fridays


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