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Register on our consultation database
From time to time we would like to contact you with information or consultations about our planning policies and procedures. If you would like to register your name and contact details on our consultation database, simply click on the button below to register and let us know which of the following topics you would like to be consulted on:
- Environmental Policy
- Minerals Planning Policy
- Planning Application Procedures
- Planning Policy and Strategy (other than minerals and waste)
- Waste Planning Policy
More information relating to these topics can be found below.
Register on the planning consultation database
Alternatively, you can send your name, contact details, and which topics you would like to register for by email to:
Find out more about how we handle your personal data in our full Privacy Notice and service-specific Planning Policy Privacy Notice.
Explanation of scope of each topic:
Environmental Policy
If you sign up for this topic, you will receive information when Worcestershire County Council develops, reviews or updates policies and guidance on the following subjects:
Biodiversity Net Gain
The Biodiversity Net Gain mandate on Local Planning Authorities is legislated for by the Environment Act. The Council may publish local policies and guidance to set out its priorities and preferred approach for maximising the potential benefits of Biodiversity Net Gain investment in Worcestershire.
Green Infrastructure
The Council prepares a Green Infrastructure Strategy for the county on behalf of the Worcestershire Green Infrastructure Partnership. The current strategy is being reviewed for publication in 2023. The document will indicatively be reviewed on a 5-year cycle, or as agreed by Worcestershire Green Infrastructure Partnership.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy
This document will set out a statement of biodiversity priorities for Worcestershire and a local habitat map identifying areas that are or which could become important for biodiversity. Preparation of the county Local Nature Recovery Strategy will begin in 2023 and the document will be reviewed on a timescale indicated by central Government.
Landscape Character Assessment
The county Landscape Character Assessment identifies the patterns and features – both natural and man-made – that make each landscape type within Worcestershire distinct and special. The original Landscape Character Assessment was published in 1999, with an updated Supplementary Guidance document published in 2012.
Worcestershire Habitat Inventory
This is a spatial mapping tool that displays land use and habitat data for the whole county at a field-by-field scale. The mapping was updated between 2020-21. The Council will use the Worcestershire Habitat Inventory and the county Biodiversity Action Plan as key evidence bases for the development of a future Local Nature Recovery Strategy.
Worcestershire Pollinator Strategy
This document was published in 2020 in response to the Council’s declaration for Worcestershire to be a ‘pollinator friendly county’. It brings together aims and objectives from the Worcestershire Biodiversity Action Plan that are specific to pollinators and their habitats.
If you sign up for this topic, you may also receive information about other policies and procedures relating to environmental policy matters should new topics or requirements arise.
Minerals Planning Policy
If you sign up for this topic, you will receive information when Worcestershire County Council develops, reviews or updates the following documents:
Minerals Local Plan
This document sets out the Council's planning policies for mineral development, including how much and what minerals we need to be able to supply, where minerals should be extracted, how sites should be worked and how they should be "restored" when working has finished and how minerals development should ensure Worcestershire's people and places are protected and enhanced. The current Minerals Local Plan was adopted in July 2022. The plan will be reviewed to assess whether it needs updating at least once every five years through the Authority Monitoring Report.
Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document
This document is being prepared to allocate specific sites and preferred areas for mineral development to support the delivery of the Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan and provide greater certainty about where mineral development is likely to take place. It will be used alongside the Minerals Local Plan to determine planning applications. As this document is currently under preparation, consultations and information will be published about the development, examination and adoption of the document and supporting evidence over the next few years in accordance with the timetable set in the Local Development Scheme.
Minerals and Waste Development Framework Authority Monitoring Report
This document monitors progress in preparing Local Development Documents that form part of the Minerals and Waste Development Framework, and the extent to which existing minerals and waste policies are being implemented and whether the effects of the policies are as intended. This document is published approximately once every year.
Local Aggregates Assessment
This document is an assessment of the demand for and supply of aggregates in the county. Its prime purpose is to assist Worcestershire County Council in its responsibility to plan for the steady and adequate supply of aggregate minerals. It informs the development and monitoring of minerals planning policy in the county and is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. This document is published approximately once every year.
Statement of Community Involvement
This document sets out how Worcestershire County Council will seek the involvement of people and organisations in the planning of minerals and waste management and Worcestershire County Council developments such as new libraries, schools, roads and railway stations. This document was last updated in 2021, and will be reviewed in accordance with legislative requirements.
If you sign up for this topic, you may also receive information which is directly related to the development or review of minerals planning policy should new topics or requirements arise.
Planning Application Procedures
If you sign up for this topic, you will receive information when Worcestershire County Council reviews or updates the following documents:
Validation Document
This document contains guidance on the information and documents required by Worcestershire County Council to support proposals for development when submitting a planning application. This document is likely to be reviewed and updated approximately every two years, or following significant changes to national or local policy.
Enforcement Plan
This document sets out the objectives and priorities that Worcestershire County Council will seek to follow in pursuance of its monitoring and enforcement responsibilities, including the investigation of alleged cases of unauthorised development, and it assists the Council in considering the most appropriate action to take on specific enforcement and monitoring issues. This document was adopted in October 2019 and is likely to be reviewed and updated approximately every five years or if there is a significant change in legislation, national or local policy.
Statement of Community Involvement
This document sets out how Worcestershire County Council will seek the involvement of people and organisations in the planning of minerals and waste management and Worcestershire County Council developments such as new libraries, schools, roads and railway stations. This document was last updated in 2021, and will be reviewed in accordance with legislative requirements
If you sign up for this topic, you may also receive information about other policies and procedures which are directly related to the processes of applying for or assessing planning applications, or monitoring or enforcing development.
Please note: signing up for this topic will NOT give you information on any individual planning applications. If you want information on specific planning applications, please go to Planning Applications.
Planning Policy and Strategy (other than minerals and waste)
If you sign up for this topic, you will receive information when Worcestershire County Council develops, reviews or updates policies and guidance on the following subjects:
Infrastructure Planning
The Council may develop infrastructure strategy documents based on national and countywide need, as necessary.
Planning research documents
Worcestershire County Council periodically publishes planning research documents which provide good practice and high-level identification of key sustainable development issues such as climate change, soils, and water management and how they should be addressed from a planning perspective. These documents will be reviewed or new documents developed as necessary.
If you sign up for this topic, you may also receive information about other planning policy and strategy matters should new topics or requirements arise.
Waste Planning Policy
If you sign up for this topic, you will receive information when Worcestershire County Council reviews or updates the following documents:
Waste Core Strategy (or Waste Local Plan)
This document sets out the Council's planning policies for the development of waste management facilities, including how much and what types of waste management development are required, and how waste management development should ensure Worcestershire's people and places are protected and enhanced. The current Waste Core Strategy was adopted in November 2012. Consultations and information will be published about the development, examination and adoption of a revised document and supporting evidence over the next few years in accordance with the timetable set in the Local Development Scheme.
Minerals and Waste Development Framework Authority Monitoring Report
This document monitors progress in preparing Local Development Documents that form part of the Minerals and Waste Development Framework, and the extent to which existing minerals and waste policies are being implemented and whether the effects of the policies are as intended. This document is published approximately once every year.
Statement of Community Involvement
this document sets out how Worcestershire County Council will seek the involvement of people and organisations in the planning of minerals and waste management and Worcestershire County Council developments such as new libraries, schools, roads and railway stations. This document was last updated in 2021, and will be reviewed in accordance with legislative requirements.
If you sign up for this topic, you may also receive information which is directly related to the development or review of waste planning policy should new topics or requirements arise.
Please note: signing up for this topic will NOT mean that you will be consulted on any aspect of Worcestershire County Council’s work as the “Waste Disposal Authority”. If you are interested in the Council’s work as Waste Disposal Authority, please go to Waste and Recycling.
Community Involvement
Information about how Worcestershire County Council will seek your involvement in the planning of minerals and waste management.