Co-production - how to get involved
Different ways in which parent carers, children and young people can be involved during the production of the SEND service.
The views and experiences of families with children and young people with SEND are an important part of our development and improvement of services in Worcestershire.
We have a number of different ways which parent carers, children and young people are listened to and involved, including parent carer representatives on strategic groups and boards and working with our parent carer forum. We also regularly contact parent carers and young people to gain their feedback on specific service areas, through our Quality Assurance programme.
Service areas within SEND will often reach out to their families and ask for feedback about aspects of their service, often through online surveys and also encourage them to become involved in task and finish groups to help shape future developments.
We publish details of surveys on the Latest News page of this website.
Parent carers can also be involved by joining Worcestershire's parent carer forum.
Parent carer forum
Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum (WPCF) are Worcestershire’s official parent carer forum and were formerly known as Families in Partnership (FiP). They are an independent group of parent carers who work alongside us and other partner agencies to help shape services for children with special educational needs and disabilities in the county.
To find out more, including how you can get involved, visit the Families in Partnership website.
You can also keep up to date with forum news via Facebook or Twitter
Co-production charter
This charter was produced in 2019 by Families in Partnership, which was Worcestershire's parent carer forum and the partner members of Worcestershire's SEND Improvement Board.
There are plans to develop a co-production strategy Children and Young People with SEND - Priority Action Plan September 2024.
Download: Co-production charter (PDF)
Feeding back
As well as listening to and involving our SEND families it’s equally important that we feedback to them about the changes and improvements we have made because of their input. We publish our updates and reports on the ‘We are listening’ page of the Local Offer.
Children and young people
We need children and young people with SEND to share their ideas with us so we can make services better together.
There are lots of ways you can get involved, from filling out questionnaires, to meeting with us to help make changes to how services work.
We are recruiting a new member of staff who's going to help us work better with children and young people with SEND. We also have our Youth Cabinet, which is a group of young people who aim to give all young people in Worcestershire a voice.
You can use this form to tell us how you might be interested in helping us, and then the right person can contact you to get started.
Useful links to ways to get involved (most are not SEND specific)
Children and young people
The Worcestershire Youth Cabinet is a group of young people (aged 11 to 18) who aim to provide all of the young people who live in Worcestershire with a voice.
Youth Board provide a voice for young people, aged 14 to 25, to ensure the services Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust (HWHCT) provide are effective and accessible.
SpeakEasy NOW is a self-advocacy charity run by people with learning disabilities for people with learning disabilities, across Worcestershire.
Adults, parents and parent carers
Worcestershire County Council Viewpoint giving residents the opportunity to have their say on what they think about how council services are run where they live.
Any Worcestershire resident aged 18 or over can join the panel to have their say on local public services.
Building Together through co-production. Building Together is about asking those who use our Adult Social Care services to get involved in shaping our services by becoming a part of our Building Together Forum.
Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum (WPCF) are Worcestershire’s official parent carer forum and were formerly known as Families in Partnership.
SpeakEasy NOW is a self-advocacy charity run by people with learning disabilities for people with learning disabilities, across Worcestershire.
Get Involved | Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
How to get involved - Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System
Healthwatch Worcestershire provides an independent voice for people who use publicly funded health and social care services. Their role is to ensure that people’s views are listened to and fed back to service providers and commissioners to improve services.