News, updates and feedback (SEND Local Offer) archive
Previous news articles, feedback and updates from the SEND Local Offer.
2024 news
What we’re doing to improve SEND services following the 2024 Ofsted and CQC inspection
November update
Here you will find some key updates on what the local area partnership has been working on during October. Read more about these updates here: What we’re doing to improve SEND services following the 2024 Ofsted and CQC inspection
Improving information while you wait:
- we have been developing a suite of information and resources to support families while they wait for health appointments or interventions
- an online information booklet for parent carers has been developed to provide support whilst families are waiting for children to have an Autism or ADHD diagnostic assessment – due to be published in November
Mental health and emotional wellbeing:
- Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust is developing a list of support and services for children and young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health
- work is underway to establish the new the Children and Young People’s Early Intervention and Preventative Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing service for 0-25 year olds. It is too early to share what the service might look like yet, but we are hopeful that new services will be in place by 1 April 2025 as planned
- we have seen the launch of Lumi Nova; a digital therapy platform for children and young people aged 7-12 years old
Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs):
- the SEND team is making sure new EHCP requests within the same family are assigned to the same Case Work Officer – allowing families to have a single point of contact for updates.
Feedback and coproduction:
- September marked the launch of Worcestershire Parent Carer Forum’s (WPCF) new SEND ‘Views & Voices’ events. This is a programme of 50+ events now rolling out across Worcestershire offering peer support, friendly advice and SEND system empowerment. Keep up to date with future events on the WPCF Facebook page
- we met with the Youth Cabinet to ask for their thoughts about how the Local Area Partnership could improve how SEND services connect with children and young people with SEND. They talked about connecting to other youth groups, suggesting how to improve the reach to children and young people with SEND via social media and exploring the use of digital technology
October update
Worcestershire’s services for children and young people with SEND were inspected by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in April 2024. The whole local area partnership was part of the inspection which includes NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board and Worcestershire County Council.
The local area partnership is working through the Priority Action Plan and SEND Improvement Plan following the outcome of the inspection.
Key progress includes:
- recruitment of new SEND Casework Officers to increase capacity in the teams who support the coordination and management of Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
- recruitment of an Epilepsy Nurse and a procurement process underway to reduce Community Paediatrics waiting times
- starting the transfer of up to 250 young people aged 16+ to an independent accredited autism assessment provider with the aim of improving their waiting time
- co-production sessions with parent carers around a new care pathway for autism and ADHD diagnostic assessments for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years, which will eventually replace the Umbrella Pathway
- commissioning Dingley’s Promise to provide two Early Years Enhanced Provisions in Droitwich and Worcester which will be accompanied by extensive outreach support services, including support to local nursery settings and family support.
- co-production with parent carers to discuss areas of improvement, particularly on the topics of data/attendance, specialist placements, EHCP timeliness and quality, and CAMHS waiting times
The full information can be found here: What we’re doing to improve SEND services following the 2024 Ofsted and CQC inspection.
Published October 2024
Local Area SEND Inspection published
An inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) into Worcestershire’s approach to special education needs and disability (SEND) has been published.
Ofsted and CQC inspectors felt that there were systemic failings in the Worcestershire local area, with the following 2 priority actions required of the local area partnership.
- The local area partnership should urgently address the long waiting times for community paediatrics, the neuro development assessment pathway, occupational therapy and physiotherapy
- The local area partnership should urgently develop genuine co-production with children and young people with SEND at a strategic level. Children and young people should feel they have fully participated in the process of developing services, improvement strategies and plans that meet their needs
The local area partnership, which comprises of NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board, Worcestershire Children First and Worcestershire County Council, fully accept their findings and recommendations on what needs to improve. Whilst the report recognises that progress has been made in some areas, the Partnership would like to apologise to those children and young people with SEND who have not received the timely support they need.
As a Partnership, we are committed to reducing waiting times and providing better support for those children and young people who are currently waiting. We want children and young people with SEND to feel truly seen and respected as individuals and this will be a key priority for us in further developing our co-production of services.
A monitoring inspection will be carried out within approximately 18 months and the next full reinspection will be within approximately three years. As a result of this inspection, His Majesty s Chief Inspector requires the local area partnership to prepare and submit a priority action plan (area SEND) to address the identified areas for priority action.
Published July 2024
Update: SEND provision in the Early Years
Our vision is that most early years aged children in Worcestershire should be able to attend their local early years provider and have their SEND needs identified and met within that setting. To enable this to happen Worcestershire has a strong Early Help offer provided by a range of partners, and specialist support in education provided through the Early Years Inclusion Process. However, we recognise that for a small number of children their needs require an enhanced provision offer, and therefore overtime, starting in the South of the county, we are developing Early Years Enhanced Provisions. Whilst we transition to this model of working, additional offers via outreach and one Nursery Assessment Unit will be in place.
Early Years Enhanced Provision for the South of the county (including Worcester)
Two sites have been identified for the new Early Years Enhanced Provision and we are working with the identified provider to confirm final timings, with the hope that the provision will be open to children and families from January 2025. Worcestershire Children First is working with the provider and stakeholders to finalise plans for these provisions. In the meantime, Vale of Evesham continues to provide outreach support for children identified with significant and complex SEND needs.
Provision for the North of the county
Batchley Nursery Plus will continue to operate in 24/25 as a Nursery Assessment Unit, with a maximum of 16 part-time places for the year which will provide enhanced provision for the Redditch and Bromsgrove areas. In the Wyre Forest Area, in preparation for the transition to an Early Years Enhanced Provision model, Wyre Forest Nursery Assessment Unit will no longer operate in its current model from September 2024. Instead, Wyre Forest School will provide outreach support for children identified with significant and complex SEND needs in the area, bringing this area into line with the South of the county and enabling a greater amount of children to receive support.
Published July 2024
Early Years Specialist Provision Review and Plan update
In November 2022 Worcestershire Children First (WCF) invited stakeholders including settings, parents and carers and health providers to participate in a review and the development of early years specialist provision. An update and more information about the review and the development of the Enhanced Early Years provision can be found by visiting WCF’s Education review and consultation pages here: Nursery Assessment Unit Review.
Published April 2024
Update regarding some personal budget payments
As an update we first want to note that some parents have experienced delays in payments being received. Please can we extend our apologies again to those parents. We are pleased to update that the services which manage and process payment, has been reviewed to try and improve our timeliness. This has involved developing the systems as well as re-configuration of workloads and developing a system to support management tracking and oversight.
We have reconfigured workloads to address some outstanding payments and we are in the final stages of developing a more effective electronic payment system. This will speed the payments process up, allowing much less room for error and ultimately provide a better experience for parents and providers receiving money from Worcestershire Children First.
Published April 2024
SEND Area Inspection - Have your say
We have received notice that Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will be visiting Worcestershire from 22 April 2024 to 26 April 2024 to inspect our arrangements for children with special education needs and disabilities (SEND). The inspectors want to hear from children and young people, parents and carers, and practitioners about the help and support that children and young people with SEND get.
The surveys are accessible via the following link and will close at 9am on Tuesday 16 April 2024.
Download further information about the surveys for children and young people, parents and carers, and practitioners.
- Information about surveys for stakeholders - children and young people (PDF)
- Information about surveys for stakeholders - parents and carers (PDF)
- Information about surveys for stakeholders - practitioners (PDF)
Published April 2024
Survey asking for your views on the way services work together for young people moving into adulthood
Worcestershire County Council Adult Social Care Commissioning team are trying to improve their understanding of current services for 14 to 25-year-olds who may be moving from children’s social care to adult social care. This is to identify future commissioning needs across education, health and social care and improve pathways through services for young people and their families as they journey into adulthood and improve experience and outcomes.
The survey, which is open to all stakeholders, closes on April 22 2024, and can be found by following this link: 14-25 commissioning needs assessment survey.
Published April 2024
Groups, activities and short breaks
The Worcestershire Groups, Activities and Short Breaks have been commissioned up to June 2024; and this year we have joined this up with our Holidays, Activities, and Food (HAF) programme. Through this work we have ensured that we have commissioned a diverse range of provisions that are able to meet children and young people’s needs both in terms of complexity and geographical locations.
We are committed to continuing to develop this offer to Worcestershire children and we will be seeking feedback shortly from parent/carers and children and young people who have accessed these services over the Easter holidays to inform the summer holiday provision.
We are aware that some providers costs have increased significantly this year, this has resulted in them having to review the number of places they can offer. Both HAF, Groups, Activities and Short breaks are open to SEND children and young people; we ask that parents/carers always check with providers that they are suitable for their child’s needs before booking a place.
For more information about groups and activities for children and young people with SEND see: SEND Local Offer - Short break groups and activities.
Published March 2024
Trust announced to run new Autism School
The Department for Education have announced that MacIntyre Academies has been chosen to run the new autism school in Malvern. The Secretary of State for Education has written to confirm that the application from MacIntyre Academies to establish Enterprise Academy should proceed to the next stage of the free school’s process – the “pre-opening phase”.
Working closely with Worcestershire Children First and Worcestershire County Council, Enterprise Academy will offer specialist education for 120 pupils aged 5 to 19 with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The final decision to open any free school depends on the Secretary of State entering into a funding agreement (a legally binding contract which contains the terms and conditions upon which a free school is funded) with the academy trust proposing to set up the school.
Published March 2024
Update on new Autism Special Free School
A report will be presented to Worcestershire County Council Cabinet on 28 March 2024, seeking approval for the site and a 125-year lease for the new school. Positive progress has been made to find new locations for the current Poolbrook tenants, with relocations starting from Easter 2024. The Department for Education (DfE) are responsible for the delivery of the new school. Initial site surveys are completed, and more will follow once the site is vacant. The Academy Trust appointment is planned for Summer 2024. This would allow the DfE to hire a contractor in early 2025 to design the project and obtain planning permissions. With this timeline, the proposal is for construction would commence in 2026 and finish by Summer 2027. As a result, the DfE anticipate opening the new school in September 2027, rather than the original target of September 2026.
Read the Cabinet report in full: Agenda for Cabinet on Thursday, 28th March, 2024, 10.00 am - Worcestershire County Council (moderngov.co.uk).
Published March 2024
Special School reception places 2024
Worcestershire Children First are currently working towards National Offer Day (NOD) for primary school places, Tuesday 16 April. This is the date which families with a child starting school in September 2024 will find out which school they are being offered a place in.
If you have a child who is going through the Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment process, it is our intention to make a decision about their named placement by this date. We are currently working on a number of assessments and aim to confirm special school reception places for September 2024 by 16 April 2024.
As parents, if your preference is for a reception place at special school, we will name your child’s current early years setting for now, and your request for a special school place will be considered. You should know by mid-April (in line with National Offer Day) what school place is being offered.
Requests that have been received since the beginning of January 2024 may not meet the April deadline, as decisions about placement follow EHCNA timelines. National Offer Day is less than 16 weeks after the beginning of the year and information for the assessment may not have been gathered in time for a decision to be made. However, this does not mean your child won’t be considered for a special school place if they need one, you will be notified after the April deadline.
Published February 2024
Survey seeking experiences of transition from nursery to school
Worcestershire Children First is undergoing a review of the resources, advice, and best practice around transition for our nursery age children into schools. We are keen to hear from, and learn from, the experiences of parents/carers and settings around this important transition time. Please find below the link for the survey to gather your views.
After the review we would like to consolidate transition advice, celebrate good practice, and seek to improve the transition experience from nursery to schools for all children in Worcestershire.
The survey will close on 16 February 2024.
Thank you for your time.
Parent/carer survey link: Parent carer transition survey
EY setting survey link: Early Years transition survey
School setting survey link: School transition survey
Published February 2024
Successful Mediation outcome
Families in Partnership, Worcestershire’s parent carer forum, recently entered into mediation with two parent carers. The participants of the Mediation meetings on the 18 and 25 January 2024 are pleased to confirm the following:
“We had a really constructive, transparent and successful coming together. Following a full and honest discussion, there was agreement that we will be working together to harness the lived experience, skills and expertise of parent carers for the best outcomes for children and young people with SEND in Worcestershire. In particular, Berni Louise and Hazel Shaw join with immediate effect as full members of the Steering Group, and we will work together to deliver the AGM and a review of the constitution. We will update FiP members on our plans soon.”
Berni Louise, Hazel Shaw, Iona Walton
Published January 2024
Letter from Mel Barnett to Parent carer Stakeholder Group members
Dear Parent Carer Stakeholder Group,
It is important to the development and improvement of SEND Services for children and young people in Worcestershire that parent carers have a voice, and our families’ experiences are actively heard and understood.
Just under two years ago a SEND Parent Carer Stakeholder Group was formed to widen stakeholder involvement in the four workstreams of our SEND Accelerated Progress Plan (APP). There has been some success in this forum, but we haven’t been able to consistently reach as many representatives or build the relationships we had hoped. Therefore, the SEND 0 to 25 Partnership Board, which oversees the work of the APP, has made the decision to replace the stakeholder group with a new process, which will strengthen the direct links we have as a partnership with the widest range of registered forums across Worcestershire.
Each board representative will be assigned to a parent carer forum and, subject to the forum agreement, they will attend that forum on a quarterly basis in order to hear the experiences, positive and negative, of its group members and also hear any ideas about how things could change and what their role and function in that might be to support that change. Key themes will then be fed back and discussed at the SEND 0 to 25 Partnership Board.
Board members, who represent organisations across Education, Health, Social Care, Voluntary Sector and Worcestershire Children First, will be assigned to their support group at the next Board meeting on 19 January. Each member will contact and visit their group before the Partnership Board meeting in April. The visits are expected to be face-to-face, except for those groups who have an online presence only or would rather hold it virtually. This new way of engagement will be reviewed in September 2024.
I want to end by thanking all of the representatives from the different groups that have previously attended, and currently attend for your time and commitment to the meetings. On behalf of all Board Members, we very much look forward to continuing to develop those relationships as well as developing new ones.
Mel Barnett
Director for All-Age Disability (0-25)
Published January 2024
2023 news
SEND Accelerated Progress Plan (APP) Review – September 2023
On 27 September 2023, officials from Department for Education SEND and NHS England reviewed the progress we have made against our Accelerated Progress Plan (APP) over the last eighteen months and recognised the range of actions that have been put in place to continue and accelerate improvement in SEND services for children and young people in Worcestershire.
For more information and to read their review letter in full, please visit our SEND Improvement Plan webpage.
Published November 2023
Early Years Inclusion Process
Our new Early Years Inclusion Process (EYIP) will make sure the right professionals put the right support in place for your child.
If you think your child needs some extra help to start school or nursery, speak to your GP, Health Visitor or early education worker (e.g. nursery or childminder).
Find out more about our new process at: Early Years Inclusion Process
Published October/November 2023
The Big Ambition
The Children’s Commissioner for England has recently launched ‘The Big Ambition’ to hear directly from children, young people and parents across the country.
They want to hear from all children, young people and families across the country about what is important to them ahead of the general election. It is your chance to tell key policymakers what is important and have your needs reflected in the decisions that will affect you in years to come.
The survey is open to children and young people in England aged 0-18 years old. Parents are being encouraged to complete the survey for those who may need additional support or on behalf of younger children (under 6) to make sure the needs of early years children are represented too.
To find out more and take part: The Big Ambition | Children's Commissioner for England (childrenscommissioner.gov.uk).
Published October 2023
Life Beyond School Inclusive Careers Event
This year's Worcestershire Life Beyond School Inclusive Careers Event is taking place on Wednesday 25 October 2023 at Worcester Warriors Sixways Stadium.
The Life Beyond School event is for all students that hold an EHCP across Worcestershire or attend a SEND, AP or PRU school. It will give students the opportunity to engage with local colleges, training providers, employers and local community services and to discover their next steps, in an inclusive setting.
This year, Parents and Carers will be able to attend the event throughout the day. They will be required to register for tickets and an allocated time slot through Eventbrite.
Book your tickets using the button below
Life Beyond School Inclusive Event 2023 Tickets
Published October 2023
New SEND Strategy approved
Our new Worcestershire Strategy for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) was approved at Cabinet on 28th September 2023. The Strategy has been developed, by the Local Area Partnership, for the period of 2023 to 2026 and will drive an ambitious programme of work to change how we work with children and young people with SEND and their parents and carers.
Download: SEND Strategy (PDF)
Published October 2023
FAQs for Educational Psychology EHC Assessments published
Worcestershire Children First Educational Psychologist (EP) team have published a document of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for EP EHC Assessments. The document is designed to answer questions that EP’s commonly get asked during the EHC assessment process. Topics such as timescales, outcome of the assessment and educational placement are covered and information given regarding where to go for further information.
Parent carers and professionals can access the document via the Educational Psychology webpage, under the Information for parent/carers section.
Published September 2023
National Advocacy helpline supporting the rights of children is changing
Since 2015, the Department for Education has commissioned a national advocacy helpline to support the rights of children to be heard. Since 2017, this helpline has been delivered through Coram Voice’s ‘Always Heard’ service.
From 1 October 2023, the national advocacy helpline service will be provided by the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS).
The details for accessing the new service (after 1 October 2023) are:
- Website and online chat: NYAS Safetynet
- Freephone: 0808 808 1001
- Email: help@nyas.net.
- WhatsApp: 07494788875.
- Text: text NYAS to 85258.
The Coram Voice ‘Always Heard’ Service will continue to operate and receive calls until 30th September, details can be found here: Coram Voice.
The NYAS ‘Safety Net’ helpline service will continue the national provision of:
- Helpline advice and support.
- Signposting to local services.
- Issue-based advocacy.
- Specialist non-instructed advocacy.
- Advocacy finder service.
- Self-advocacy information.
The service accepts referrals from children and young people, professionals working with young people, friends, families, and carers.
The service will be available to:
- children in care and care leavers up to age 25
- children and young people needing support from children’s services, including those on child in need plans, child protection plans, or who are 16 to 17 years old and homeless
NYAS will also continue to support refugee and migrant children and young people, as well as young people in mental health settings.
Published August 2023
Pre-School Forum
Over recent months Worcester Children First alongside Stakeholders have been reviewing the functions of the Pre-School Forum (PSF) (the information sharing and advice relating to health and education). As a result, a new Early Years Inclusion Pathway is being co-developed and will launch in early October 2023. This new approach will fulfil the following purposes:
- achieve positive outcomes for Early Years children and their families, ensuring needs are identified early and provision is in place to meet these needs
- monitor and collect information to inform the strategic development of services across Worcestershire; to inform commissioning arrangements and to help address emerging service developments and provision planning.
- exercise the Local Authority and Health Authorities’ responsibility to ensure that children's Special Educational Needs or Learning Difficulties and Disabilities are identified and addressed (this is done through its oversight and monitoring of notifications and of provision and services being delivered by multi-agency teams)
- ensure the effective operation of the multi-agency collaborative teams in working alongside children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and their families
More information regarding the Early Years Inclusion Pathway will be shared in September 2023.
Published August 2023
Early Years update
We have been conducting a review to help us to understand how we can better improve our early years offer.
In November 2022 Worcestershire Children First (WCF) invited mainstream and specialist nursery providers to take part in open discussions about the future of Nursery Assessment Units (NAU). At the end of November Worcestershire Children First also sent a questionnaire to providers and parent/carers for their feedback on what was working well and what could be improved. The feedback received through this engagement has provided us with a rich source of information which has been invaluable to inform recommendations for improvement.
The purpose of the review was to:
- re-model existing specialist nursery and nursery assessment provision to better meet the needs of pre-school age children in Worcestershire
- review and redesign the way we are jointly meeting the early education provision for pre-school age children (0–5 years) known to Pre-School Forum (PSF), who have been identified by professionals as having the most complex needs
- provide advice and guidance to mainstream early years education settings to support pre-school age children 0-5 years known to PSF
The review identified:
- a need to consider the sufficiency of places, where children with complex needs, could access their full Nursery Education Funding (NEF) Entitlement
- a need to redesign the PSF operational model
What does this mean?
We are developing an enhanced provision, delivered by an early years provider or school, which will meet the requirements of children whose identified complex needs make it difficult to attend an early years setting.
The places for children will be allocated via a termly, multi-agency planning meeting for children with identified complex needs. The needs will have been identified through an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Whilst this early years provision is being set up, we will continue the offer of Specialist Outreach support for children in their mainstream provision, or at home, for those children not able to access mainstream provision.
WCF are aiming to open enhanced early years provision in Worcester City and Wychavon in January 2024, with the provider being awarded the contract in October 2023. WCF will then look at rolling the provision out across Redditch/Bromsgrove and Wyre Forest in the future.
What’s Next?
- we have developed a specification for the enhanced provision and have recently completed market engagement events. Providers will be invited to apply in July 2023
- we are redesigning the operational functions of the Pre-School Forum and will communicate the outcome in September 2023 regarding the new operational model
- if you have previously been informed that your child will be attending a Nursery Assessment Unit you will be directly contacted by a member of the team with an update
If I have any questions, who can I contact?
Please email eyinclusion@worcestershire.gov.uk should you have any questions. We will also be creating a Frequently Asked Questions Document that will be added to the Local Offer and regularly updated.
Published June 2023
Phone Surgery appointments introduced in SEND Services
In SEND services we are continually looking at ways we can improve our communication between the service and you, our parents/carers. We understand how frustrating it can be if you can’t speak to your case worker when you call due to them being unavailable because of meetings and other commitments.
We are increasing the number of people who answer the calls in the first instance, and it maybe that they can answer some of the queries that you have. However, we do realise that in most cases you are looking for an update from your case worker. We need to ensure there is a balance between the time case workers are on the phone and doing their other case work, so we have introduced a new system which we are calling Phone Surgery Appointments.
The phone surgery system means that if you contact the office and your case worker is not available, a time for a call back from them will be agreed and booked.
Case workers have allocated time in their diaries each week for these phone surgeries. Whoever answers your call will be able to see these surgery slots and discuss with you what is the best time and day for you.
Once a time has been agreed details of your query will be taken and they will book a 15-minute appointment in the case worker’s calendar. You will then know when you can expect your call back and case workers will have the time allotted in their virtual diary.
Wherever possible case workers should take your call when it is received, but this system means that if they are unable to then a suitable time can be arranged.
We hope that this new way of working will improve communication. The new system is being trialled until the end of September, and we will be monitoring its effectiveness throughout the time of the pilot.
Published June 2023
SEND APP Review - March 2023
Following a review of the progress made against our Accelerated Progress Plan (APP), officials from DfE SEND and NHS England have recognised the vast amount of work that has taken place to continue and accelerate improvement in our SEND service.
Visit our SEND Improvement Plan page to find out more.
Mainstream Autism Bases
We’ve created a short, animated video to explain all about mainstream autism bases.
A mainstream autism base is our name for a place which has been developed to support students within some schools in Worcestershire.
Watch the short animation to find out more.
Delivering Better Value (DBV) Survey
As a Local Authority we know we can improve the outcomes for children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The UK government has long term objectives to reform the system supporting children and young people with SEND, but these will take time. The DBV Programme recognises the current challenges faced and will provide valuable, short-term support to Local Authorities (LAs), and the local systems supporting children with SEND.
Worcestershire Children First is one of 55 LA’s taking part. The programme is designed to identify the changes a Local Authority can make to sustainably support children and young people with SEND. The programme puts children and young people at the heart of the approach, and also wants to understand the experiences of the partners within the SEND system, including you as the parent carers. We would really appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey to help us understand your views and experiences of your child or young person’s education.
Parent carer survey
Worcestershire: SEND Survey for Parents and Carers
We would also like to hear from professionals working in education settings
Education settings
Worcestershire: Delivering Better Value in Send: Understanding SEN in your school
The surveys close at midnight on April 28 2023.
To find out more about the DBV programme download this document: DBV Introduction leaflet (PDF).
Let’s Talk About Autism
People are being invited to have their say on a new All-Age Autism Strategy, due to launch later this year across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.
This survey is for autistic people, families, carers, provider organisations and people in our communities who know someone who is autistic or professionals who come into contact with autistic people.
Autism Partnership Boards from across the two counties want to know what needs to be done to improve the lives of autistic people. We want people to share their views and experiences to help shape our strategy.
Bernadette Louise, ICS Autism Champion, NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire, said: “The autism strategy survey is just our starting point. We need to hear your views and experiences, as well as gather feedback about gaps and barriers in your daily lives. I want to know what works well for you, and what is hard some days. Where do you hit stumbling blocks and who is there to support you when you do. This is our chance to start breaking down local barriers. Be heard, let’s talk!”
Please go to All-Age Autism Strategy | Worcestershire County Council for more information and to complete the survey. There is a space for you to send in an email, picture, or video if you would prefer to feedback this way.
The survey will close on Sunday 14 May 2023.
Neurodiversity Celebration Week
This week is Neurodiversity Celebration Week and there are free events organised for professionals, parent carers and young people.
The range of events aims to educate and inspire conversations about neurodiversity, and includes introductory webinars, panel discussions and more.
All events are free of charge and open to all. Have a look at what’s available and sign up here: 2023 Events Schedule | Neurodiversity Celebration Week (neurodiversityweek.com).
New ASD special school
A new special school that caters for the needs of pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is to be built in Malvern.
The successful bid from Worcestershire County Council was announced today by the Department for Education. This announcement follows an application that evidenced need for school places for children and included engagement and support from stakeholders including education providers, health partners, parents and carers and Local MP’s who have been consistently calling for more provision in the local area.
The new special free school will provide 120 full time places for pupils aged 5-19 with autism, who are able to engage with a mainstream curriculum with extra support and who would also benefit from a specific environment and staff dedicated to a holistic approach.
The capital funding for the new school will be provided from the Government’s Free School Programme will also have a remit to provide outreach, which will focus on practical, specific strategies and resources to improve Quality First Teaching across Worcestershire settings.
For more information please read special school announcement in full.
We want to know what you think
We are redeveloping this website, Worcestershire’s SEND Local Offer, and part of this work is looking at the way the site is structured. We want to make sure that it is easy for parents/carers, young people, and professionals to navigate, to find the information they are looking for.
We will be looking at the content itself in another activity, but this is about the way the information is organised.
We would like you to look at three other Local Offers, which have been judged as good by Ofsted, and tell us which you prefer. To help us, and for more information please complete the survey here Send Local Offer (google.com).
Delivering Better Value in SEND Programme (DVB programme)
Improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND
As a Local Authority we know we can improve the outcomes for children and young people with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The UK government has long term objectives to reform the system supporting children and young people with SEND, but these will take time. The DBV Programme recognises the current challenges faced and will provide valuable, short-term support to Local Authorities (LAs), and the local systems supporting children with SEND.
Worcestershire Children First is one of 55 LA’s taking part in the programme, which is designed to identify the changes a Local Authority can make to sustainably support children and young people with SEND. The programme puts children and young people at the heart of the approach, and also wants to understand the experiences of the partners within the SEND system, including you as the parent carers.
We will be involving parent carers and other local partners when designing what we can do differently, ensuring the programme is underpinned by a comprehensive data-driven and evidence-led diagnostic. There is also the opportunity for Local Authorities involved in the DBV Programme to apply for an implementation grant offered by DfE.
To find out more download this document: DBV Introduction leaflet (PDF)
Parent carer engagement in schools toolkit
Members of staff from the All-Age Disability Service have worked together with a range of schools, parent carers from the SEND Parent Stakeholder group, SENDIASS and Families in Partnership to develop a parent carer engagement toolkit for schools.
Parent carers of children and young people with SEND have told us that they can feel isolated and on the edge of the wider school community. The toolkit has been co-produced to help support schools to develop their parent carer engagement, and it includes a range of ideas, practical examples, best practice, and tools to help.
It is designed to help schools reflect on their current practice and encourages them to involve their parent carer community in developing their engagement plan moving forwards.
Download: Parent carer engagement in schools toolkit (PDF)
SEND Parent Carer Survey Executive Summary – update
In the Autumn of 2022, we published an executive summary of the results from the third SEND improvement parent carer survey.
The survey was a mixture of multiple choice and open-ended questions and the responses contained valuable feedback from Worcestershire parent carers.
We analysed the feedback and identified key areas for development, many of which were echoed in the SEND Area Inspection findings and subsequent Accelerated Progress Plan (APP). We said we would use the findings from the survey to inform further development of the Accelerated Progress Plan, Quality Assurance Programme, and service development.
It is our aim to be transparent in our approach to improving life for SEND families in Worcestershire and therefore we are publishing this update report to let our families know what is being done in each of the areas identified.
2022 news
Autism Support Pilot for 14 to 18 year olds living in Herefordshire and Worcestershire
Herefordshire and Worcestershire NHS are excited to offer a new pilot service for teens aged 14-18yrs with a recent Autism diagnosis. All the support is online or via telephone. Families who have a teenager diagnosed with Autism from 2020 onwards and live in Worcestershire will have access to support from two expert agencies: Brain in Hand and Autism West Midlands.
Free Autism West Midlands online training
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board have commissioned Autism West Midlands to deliver more free online training webinars for parent carers who have a child on the assessment pathway (Umbrella Pathway) or who has an Autism diagnosis. The webinars can be accessed on computers, laptops, tablets, phones and smart TVs. Once registered you can watch live or a recording later.
The webinars are:
- Monday 12 December, 9:30am to 11:00am - Autism and Anxiety
- Monday 9 January, 9:30am to midday – Sensory Differences and your child
- Monday 23 January, 9:30am to 11:00am – Autism and Communication
- Monday 6 February, 9:30am to 11:00am – Autism and Behaviour
- Monday 27 February, 9:30am to 11:00am – Autism and Anxiety
To register, visit Autism West Midlands events page: Autism West Midlands Events
SEND Parent Carer Survey Executive Summary of Results 2022
In Spring 2022 Worcestershire Children First and Families in Partnership (FiP), Worcestershire’s parent carer forum, sent out a survey to get the view of parents and carers about services for children and young people with SEND. This was the third time the survey had been shared, enabling us to compare results over three years. The 2023 survey will be revamped, following feedback about this and other surveys.
We would like to thank the parents and carers who took the time to complete the survey and reassure them that all the responses and comments have been read.
The findings have been analysed and will be used to inform further development of the Accelerated Progress Plan, Quality Assurance Programme, and service development. We have produced an Executive summary of the results, with commentary which can be downloaded here.
Download: 2022 Parent Carer Survey Executive Summary (PDF)
If you are part of a parent/carer group who would like to be more involved with service development Worcestershire Children First has created a SEND Stakeholder Group to enable a range of organisations and experiences to be represented in SEND services.
The group meets virtually once a month, 5.00pm to 6.30pm, and has a varied agenda which covers SEND services, including health and social care.
Special School Reception places for September 2022
There is higher demand for Special School Reception places for September 2022, as a result Worcestershire Children First have had to make alternative arrangements for nursery assessment provision in September 2022.
We are working with each Special School and the Early Years Inclusion Team and will include health partners to develop solutions which identify need and ensure the right level of support is in place for children on their entry to school.
Fort Royal Community Primary and The Vale of Evesham Special Schools are altering the delivery model of Nursery Assessment in September 2022. This will increase the support to mainstream early years settings to both help them meet your child’s needs and ensure the nursery assessment is well informed. Families of children who have been offered this assessment and support will receive a letter/email from the SEND service.
Fort Royal Community Primary and The Vale of Evesham nursery assessment provision will be delivered via outreach services and/or the Early Years Inclusion Team within community mainstream early years settings and not onsite.
For those children offered a place at Wyre Forest Special School Nursery provision and Batchley Nursery Plus, they will be completing the nursery assessment on-site, in discussion with and involving your child’s mainstream early years setting (if attending). Families of children who have been offered an onsite assessment will have been contacted by Wyre Forest or Batchley schools.
For children where it was not possible to offer an onsite nursery assessment at Wyre Forest Special School Nursery provision and Batchley Nursery Plus, they will be supported in their mainstream early years setting by the Early Years Inclusion Team.
We appreciate this may cause some uncertainty for parent carers and early years providers. We are actively working to ensure the right support is in place for the pre-school children this applies to. Individual communication will be sent to parent carers and early years settings confirming the nursery assessment provision available for individual children. For any pre-school children not currently attending a mainstream early years setting, support will be provided to identify provision.
Ready Steady Worcestershire’s Holiday Activities & Food (HAF!)
HAF IT! 2022 is a fantastic programme of holiday activity and food clubs running across Worcestershire, for children who receive free school meals (FSM). Children who are not eligible for Free School Meals can be referred for a place on the HAF programme by schools, social workers, HAF providers and other professionals.
All HAF activity clubs are inclusive of children with special educational needs and disabilities. We also have some specialised SEND clubs available; these are run by providers with specialised staff and facilities and include adapted activities. To find these, type ‘SEND’ into the keyword search. Parents and carers are invited to contact providers directly to discuss suitability of clubs and contact details can be found on all activity information pages found on the HAF booking system. You can browse activities by map, calendar, or list.
Sign up to the HAF booking system and subject to eligibility, your account will be automatically credited with 16 free passes per registered child, representing 16 days’ worth of exciting activities across the summer holiday – subject to availability. Please take care on sign up to provide as much information about your child to providers – it’s important that they have this to best support and safeguard your child. You will only need to complete this information once as it can then be resubmitted for each booking and subsequent holidays – with the facility to update any changes.
If your child does not receive Free School Meals, please contact providers listed on the HAF booking system directly to request a referral to book or ask your school to contact us with your name and contact information. We can then help you book your free places on the programme.
The programme is funded by the Department for Education (DfE).
Post-16 Education Provision Survey
We are seeking feedback from parents, carers, and young people on their experiences of education provision within Worcestershire, in particular provision which caters for young people with complex and profound Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).
Your feedback will support our aim to create a positive learning community within Worcestershire for young people aged 16 to 25 with SEND.
To fulfil this aim we are looking to increase provision within Worcestershire with a focus on the South, particularly for those with Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs, Autism Spectrum Condition, or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties.
Please provide your feedback by completing the following short online survey
An easy read version is available to download.
The deadline for responses is Friday 22 July 2022.
Transfer of Young Adults Team to Worcestershire Children First
In line with the Worcestershire 0 to 25 All Age Disability service agreed at Cabinet on 3 February 2022, the Young Adults Team (YAT) will transfer from Worcestershire County Council to Worcestershire Children First on 1 June 2022. This completes the first “structure” phase of the service development. The YAT, SEND and Children with Disabilities teams will operate the same as they do currently, and children will remain with their allocated workers. There will be a change to email addresses for YAT staff to Worcestershire Children First email addresses but those will be transferred automatically from the old ones. There will be no changes to the phone numbers of the team or individual social workers.
The new Director of the 0 to 25 All Age Disability service, Mel Barnett, starts in post on 6 June 2022 and will lead our Phase 2 “service design” phase. The aim of this phase will be to have systems and processes that enable us to provide a more holistic approach to children and young people with additional needs and improve the cross service assessment and delivery of services ensuring the “outcomes” for children are understood in the immediate and longer term planning.
SEND Accelerated Progress Plan (APP)
The Worcestershire Local Area SEND Accelerated Progress Plan (APP) has now been approved by the DfE and NHS.
We are grateful to all parents, carers and professionals who have come together to work with us on the development and delivery of this plan.
A copy of the plan and summary are available to download from our SEND Improvement Plan page.
Government Green Paper on SEND and Alternative Provision published
The Government’s SEND and Alternative Provision Green Paper was published on Tuesday 29 March. It sets out their vision for a single, national SEND and alternative provision (AP) system that will introduce new standards in the quality of support given to children across education, health and care.
You can access a copy of the Green Paper: SEND Review Green Paper (GOV.UK)
Alongside the Green paper, they have also published a dedicated SEND Review website with further information about the consultation and upcoming events: SEND Review Campaign (GOV.UK)
You can find additional resources on gov.uk to help understand the green paper: SEND and AP Green Paper responding to the consultation (GOV.UK)
The Green Paper is the result of the national SEND Review, commissioned to improve an inconsistent, process-heavy and increasingly adversarial system that too often leaves parents facing difficulties and delays accessing the right support for their child.
The plans to reform the system will be open for a 13-week public consultation, giving families the opportunity to shape how a new system will work in the future - and give them confidence that their local school will meet their children’s needs so they can achieve their full potential.
SEND Service - Staffing update
Sarah Wilkins, Director for Education, Early Years and Children with Disabilities has written an open letter to parent carers to provide an update on staffing changes within the SEND service.
2021 news
Improvements recognised in services for children and young people with SEND
An inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) into Worcestershire’s approach to special education needs and disability (SEND) has recognised that sufficient progress has been made in many areas of the service.
The report acknowledges that the local area has made sufficient progress in eight out of the twelve significant weaknesses identified at the initial inspection in 2018.
Download a copy of the Ofsted and CQC report (PDF)
Consultation on Worcestershire’s approach to Top Up Funding
Worcestershire Children First have been working to review our approach to Top Up Funding for CYP with SEND. We invite you to read our proposals and respond with your views by the 4 February 2022 at the following link: Consultation on High Level Needs funding for pupils with Special Education Needs December
For more information:
Download: Proposed changes to Worcestershire's top up funding criteria (PDF)
Ready, Steady Worcestershire Winter School Holiday activities
Ready, Steady Worcestershire have partnered up with providers across Worcestershire to offer free holiday activities for a fun, action packed Christmas Holiday period.
These activities are available to families of children aged between 5-15 who are receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals or families who are referred to the programme by our professionals or community partners.
The full programme is inclusive of all needs, and there are some specialist providers who are really experienced in activities for children with SEND and spaces have been secured at these clubs so they can be offered first to the children that would most benefit from them.
To read more and book visit: Ready Steady Worcestershire - school holiday food and activities
Will Quince MP, speaks to the National Network of Parent Carer Forums
Last week, Will Quince MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State Minister for Children and Families, spoke to the National Network of Parent Carer Forums and announced work with Nasen and MicroLink to launch a pilot which will test how training can increase school staff confidence and capability in using assistive technology. On the SEND Review, he reiterated his previous commitments to publish it alongside a public consultation in the first three months of 2022.
To read the speech in full visit: Children's Minister speaks to the National Network of Parent Carer Forums - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Update on reinspection of SEND services
Following the recent visit from Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to inspect our local area approach to special education needs and disability in early November, we would like to update you regarding next steps.
The purpose of the inspection was to determine whether our local area has made sufficient progress in addressing each area of serious weakness detailed in the Written Statement of Action (WSOA) produced following the last inspection in 2018.
During the inspection, meetings were held with a range of providers and services and inspectors spoke with children and young people and parents and carers about their experiences.
The draft inspection report has now been completed and is undergoing quality assurance by Ofsted. We are expecting the final report to be published on the Ofsted website before Christmas. This will be publicly available to anyone who wishes to read it. Our SEND strategy (2021-25) action plan will be updated on the basis of the report to include any actions needed and we will be working closely with Families in Partnership on this to ensure we are in agreement as to the way forward.
Will Quince MP, Minister for Children and Families, has written an open letter to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), their families and those who support them
In the letter, the Minister reaffirms his commitment to delivering the SEND Review and the importance of supporting the most disadvantaged children and young people. He outlines his plans to continue to visit schools, nurseries and colleges around the country to directly hear first-hand from children, young people, parents and carers, school, college and local authority staff as well as meet with SEND organisations and experts so they can influence proposals.
To read the letter in full, visit: An open letter to parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities from Children and Families Minister Will Quince - The Education Hub
Alongside the letter, the Department for Education has published information about the members of the SEND Review Steering Group. The new group was set up to assist the department conclude the SEND Review at pace and advise on proposals to be set out in a SEND Green Paper to be published in the first three months of 2022.
For further information on the group, visit: SEND Review Steering Group - GOV.UK
Reinspection of SEND services
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) visited Worcestershire on the 1 to 3 November 2021 to inspect our local area approach to special education needs and disability.
The purpose of the inspection was to determine whether our local area has made sufficient progress in addressing each area of serious weakness detailed in the Written Statement of Action (WSOA) produced following the last inspection in 2018.
During the inspection, meetings were held with a range of providers and services and inspectors spoke with children and young people and parents and carers about their experiences.
We are awaiting the outcome of the inspection and will share the findings on the Local Offer website once published.
SEND Improvement Parent Carer Survey You Said, We Did Report 2021
In early 2021 Worcestershire Children First and Families in Partnership (FiP), Worcestershire’s parent carer forum sent out a joint parent carer survey to obtain the views of parents and carers about services in the area for their children and young people with Special Educational needs/disability (SEND). This is the second such survey and it went out during the third COVID-19 Lockdown.
This annual survey forms part of our improvement journey, we want to know what was working well and not working so well with our SEND Services and what parent and carers think needs to change.
The results from this survey have been analysed, compared to previous years, and shared with all the relevant parties for comment and action. We have worked together to produce a ‘You Said, We Did’ Report (YSWD). We have used this year’s results to continue to track our progress against commentary made in the 2020 YSWD.
Download: You Said, We Did Report 2021 (PDF)
Draft SEND Strategy 2021 to 2025
In recent months we have been working with partners and stakeholders to think about our approach to meeting the needs of children and young people with SEND over the next four years.
Our draft SEND Strategy 2021 to 2025 describes the progress we have made since our last strategy, the areas where we still need to improve and based on this, our priorities for the next four years.
The strategy also describes how we intend to work together to address these priorities. We would welcome feedback from parent carers, children and young people, educational settings, professionals working with CYP with SEND and other interested parties about our approach. Download the draft strategy (PDF) responses to our online survey are invited until the 30 September 2021.
SEND provision report
Worcestershire Children First have recently completed a review of the need for specialist education placements for our Children and Young People (CYP) with Education Health and Care Plans. This review has looked at pressures on existing special schools, placements made in independent and out of county settings and the cost to the High Level Needs budget. The analysis undertaken during this review has identified a number of areas where we need to consider how to meet future needs of CYP in a different way. The attached report outlines the findings of our review.
Download: SEND Provision Report July 2021 (PDF)
We are now seeking feedback from parent carers, CYP, educational settings and professionals about our findings and possible ways forward. Feedback can be given via our dedicated web form before 30 September 2021.
Survey for the Children's Appendix to Worcestershire All Age Autism Strategy
Worcestershire's All Age Autism Strategy Children’s Appendix 2021 is being written to support the vision as outlined in the Worcestershire's All Age Autism Strategy Document.
Download: Worcestershire’s All Age Autism Strategy (PDF)
This survey is designed to gather the views of parents/carers and young people. This survey will be closed 17 September at 11:59pm.
Children's Appendix to Worcestershire All Age Autism Strategy Survey
Rona Hub for Education Leavers Support
The Rona Hub has great advice on how to enjoy your summer safely including ways to stay fit and healthy, support for emotional health and wellbeing and information and advice for when your young person leaves school. For more information visit The Rona Hub.
Groups and activities for children and young people with SEND - Family Survey
Do you have a child with a special educational need or disability? If so, we’d like to hear your thoughts on a range of groups and activities we fund to find out what’s working well and how we can improve things.
Have your say
Young Adult Learning Worcestershire
Young Adult Learning Worcestershire is designed to support 16 to 18 year olds, typically below Level 2, or those young people aged 18 to 24 with an EHCP who don’t feel like a college environment is right for them. Working with our partners across the county, Worcestershire County Council have designed Study Programmes and Traineeships with work experience and employability/vocational learning at their heart. These opportunities for Worcestershire’s young adults will be delivered in locations across the county, starting in August 2021.
Proposed change of Autism/CCN team “core” offer
Worcestershire Children First Autism/CCN Team are seeking views on a proposed change to the “core” offer of school support from the team. The proposed changes are not a reduction in support but a re-focus on developing the capacity of settings to meet the needs of learners with autism (and similar) through whole-school training, improvement visits and SENCO support. Full details of the proposal and how you can give your views are available on the Change of Autism/CCN team “core” offer consultation page. Consultation runs until Thursday 24 June.
Consultation on review of the Medical Education Provision
Worcestershire Children First has completed a review of the Medical Education Provision and are proposing a multi-agency, preventative approach to meeting the needs of children who are unable to attend school in the short term, due to their health. Details of the approach and proposed changes are available at The Medical Education review and proposed new approach. There you will also find the links to the consultation which is now live and runs to midday on Tuesday 6 July.
All Age Disability Service
A programme of work has started to progress on the All Age Disability Offer here at Worcestershire County Council (WCC) and Worcestershire Children First (WCF).
The vision of the County Council and WCF is for Worcestershire to be a wonderful place for all children and young people to grow up and on supporting children and families, and promoting health and well-being.
The new offer for those aged 0 to 25 is being jointly led by the County Council and WCF, and we are working closely with other partners including colleagues in health.
Our number one priority is for children and adults to get the very best outcomes in life, this includes those who are facing the additional challenges of having a disability.
WCC and WCF wants to offer longer term life and independence planning for children and young people as they transition into adulthood.
The All Age Disability Service will improve both the experiences of support and co-ordination, along with improved outcomes through a joined up ‘offer’ for children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs.
The All Age Disability Programme Board have now agreed the aims and outcomes of the new joined up service.
We just wanted to keep you up to date with what was agreed at the latest board meeting.
The Terms of Reference for the programme were agreed upon, as were the workstreams that will help deliver the project.
The first areas being looked at are:
Children’s community based short breaks re-commission, the processes for planning, agreeing and review provision joining up with Adults Day care and alternative care review.
- year 9 onwards annual review of EHCP, including the development of a preparation for adulthood toolkit.
- joint commissioning
- review out of county/independent placements and improving the processes for these types of placements – encouraging a better local service
- scoping improving access to information for Preparation for Adulthood & Independence
All Age Disability Service update May 2021 (PDF)
Further updates will be issued here in due course.
If you have any questions or queries about the service please email: AADSquestions@worcestershire.gov.uk.
The SEND Improvement Parent carer survey has now closed
The annual parent carer survey is co-produced by Families in Partnership and Worcestershire Children First and forms part of Worcestershire’s improvement journey.
The survey aims to gather the views of parent carers to help shape services for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Thank you to those people who took the time to take part, the 2021 survey is now closed.
A ‘You said, We did’ report will be produced as a result of this survey and published on these pages.
The 2022 parent carer survey will be launched in March 2022.
Worcestershire Ofsted SEND re-inspection
In 2018 Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) visited Worcestershire to inspect our special educational needs and disability provision. This inspection found significant areas of weakness and a Written Statement of Action was deemed necessary for improvements to be made.
We were due to be reinspected in March 2020, but this was deferred due to Covid-19.
We are anticipating that Ofsted and the CQC will revisit Worcestershire around the end of April to reinspect our special educational needs and disability provision.
We have been working hard as a partnership to address the key concerns from the inspection back in March 2018 and are looking forward to being able to show the progress we have made and how experiences for children and young people with SEND have changed in Worcestershire.
Find out more about our SEND improvement journey
Children and Young People Short Breaks Survey
Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire Children are currently reviewing Adult Services Day Care and Alternative Care Services and starting to look at the recommissioning of Children’s Services Community Short Breaks Offer.
To help get this right we want to start by better understanding how our young people spend their social time, the services they are using and how they find them. We also would like to know what activities and places they would like to be going to, both now and as an adult. The findings from the survey will help us to shape and explore our next steps.
We very much want to hear from children and young people and appreciate the support from parents and carers, where required, to help them to complete the survey. The survey should only take 15 minutes to complete and closes on Monday 3 May.
Children and Young People Short Breaks Survey
Voice of Children and Young People
To help Worcestershire Children First shape future aspirations and priorities we would like to hear the voice and views of our children and young people with special educational needs and/or disability.
An activity pack has been developed to help parents and carers, schools and health professionals work with children and young people to discuss their experiences and views on how we can make Worcestershire a better place to learn, work and live if you have a special educational need and/or disability.
Closing date for submissions: 30 April 2021
Review of the Medical Education Service
Worcestershire Children First has completed a review of the Medical Education Service and are proposing a multiagency approach to meeting the needs of children with medical difficulties who are unable to attend school. Details of the approach and proposed changes are available at The Medical Education review and proposed new approach
FREE Solihull Approach Online parenting
‘Understanding your child with additional needs’ is one of the Solihull Approach online parenting courses. These are a series of NICE approved resources for parents and carers who want to learn more about sensitive and effective parenting and building a positive relationship with their child.
‘Understanding your child with additional needs’ is for anyone who cares for a child with a physical or learning disability or who may have autistic traits.
Website: Starting Well Online Parenting Courses
For more information about other training opportunities for parents and carers visit the Training for parents and carers on the Local Offer: Training for parents and carers (SEND Local Offer)
Mainstream Autism Bases (MAB) Survey
At the first stage, we have collected the views of the children, young people, families and staff who attend or have previously attended a MAB Provision. The results of the survey will be shared shortly.
2020 news
SEND Improvement Parent Carer Survey - You Said, We Did Report 2020
In 2020 Worcestershire Children First and Families in Partnership (FiP), Worcestershire’s parent carer forum sent out a joint parent carer survey to obtain the views of parent carers about services in the area for their children and young people with Special Educational needs/disability (SEND). The survey went out prior to the Covid-19 pandemic impacting families in the UK.
This annual survey forms part of our improvement journey, we want to know what was working well and not working so well with our SEND Services and what parent and carers think needs to change.
The results from this survey have been analysed and shared with all the relevant parties for comment and action.
We have worked together to produce a ‘You said, We did’ report where we outline what we have done so far and what we intend to do as a result of the feedback.
Download: SEND Improvement Parent Carer Survey - You Said, We Did Report 2020 (PDF)
Medical Education Team
Share your thoughts and ideas on the Medical Education Service.
Worcestershire County Council has committed to a review and redesign of the Medical Education Service.
The survey closed on 18 September 2020. Further information will be published shortly.
SEN online resources
We are regularly updating our online education resources to help children with special educational needs (SEN) during the coronavirus pandemic.
Website: Keeping children and young people entertained
Coronavirus (COVID-19) information
See our dedicated web page from more information and guidance on SEND.
Website: Coronavirus (COVID-19) from Worcestershire County Council
SENDIASS launch new website
The Herefordshire and Worcestershire Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND) Information Advice and Support services (SENDIASS) have merged to launch their new website and social media platforms.
SENDIASS provides free, impartial information, advice and support on all matters relating to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The new look website www.hwsendiass.co.uk has been coproduced with parents and young people to ensure that it has relevant information that is easily accessible. You can find factsheets, newsletters and other resources, that are easily downloadable, to help you navigate your SEND journey.
Follow us, Herefordshire and Worcestershire SSENDIASS @hwsendiass on Facebook and Twitter for relevant national and local information and events across the two counties.
Contact us – updated guidance
The SEND Team at Worcestershire Children First are asking for all communications to them to be made via email or telephone and to refrain from using post. This is to ensure that all communications are picked up and actioned as quickly as possible during the Covid-19 pandemic. You can contact them via email at: sen@worcestershire.gov.uk or by telephone on: 01905 846000.
The SEND Team thanks you for your co-operation.
Help shape services for children with special education needs
Views are being sought from parent carers to help shape services for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
A survey has been co-produced by Families in Partnership and involving Worcestershire Children First and Worcestershire County Council to find out what parent carers of children with SEND in Worcestershire think about the services available to them.
The 2020 survey is now closed. A ‘You said, We did’ report has been produced as a result of this survey.
The 2021 parent carer survey will be launched in March 2021.
Worcestershire Children First to lead review of Medical Education Team service
Proposals to review the service provided by the Medical Education Team (MET) were approved at Worcestershire County Council’s Cabinet meeting on 30 January.
The MET provides a service for children who are unable to attend school because of medical difficulties.
The review will consider the service and how it can be improved and will look at ways to offer a high quality of service alongside resource and cost implications. Read the full MET review news article
County partnership receives quality mark accreditation for SEN work
The Worcestershire Area Partnership has been awarded a top accreditation for their work helping young people with special educational needs.
West Mercia Youth Justice Service and Worcestershire Children First have been awarded an Achievement For All Quality Mark Award for partnerships securing better outcomes for children and young people with special education needs in the youth justice system.
Read the full quality mark news article
Fundraising success at Moule Close January 2020
A sunken sandpit, nature area and music zone are just some of the wonderful new activities children at a short break unit in Kidderminster can now enjoy thanks to the fundraising efforts of parents whose children use the centre.
The event raised a total of £5,000, including a really generous donation of £3,000 from Elliott Nash Construction, Bromsgrove. The sensory garden will make a huge difference to the lives of children who use the centre, who have complex and special needs.
Pictured are Dee Pryce and Jude Turbutt proudly stand with the presentation cheque.
Read the full news article about the fundraising success
2019 news
A guide to support children with special educational needs and disability
Worcestershire schools and early year providers have a revised guide, setting out how they can best support young people and children with special educational needs and disability.
It’s been put together through a collaboration with professionals, parent/carers and young people. The new revised guide is designed to help schools and early years providers across Worcestershire tailor their support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Find out more about the guide to support children with special educational needs and disability.
County Council supported National Co-Production Week - July 2019
From July 1 to 5, we promoted and supported National Co-production Week.
Co-production Week celebrates the benefits of working with people, families and carers who use our services to design and develop better public services.
Staff from the Council's SEND services, as well as colleagues from the Worcestershire CCGs and Families in Partnership (FIP), all joined the stall in the County Hall reception.
As part of the week they asked staff and visitors to make a pledge about how they can use co-production in their work. They challenged people to say where they sit on the Participation Ladder to highlight the different levels of participation.
During the week, Worcestershire County Council's Chief Executive Paul Robinson was one of the supporters who stopped by and made his own pledge.
Watch this video to find out more about how co-production benefits:
One year into the improvement plan for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - July 2019
In August last year, Worcestershire County Council and partners launched a Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Improvement Plan that was developed with parents, carers, education providers and health colleagues.
It followed the Local Area SEND inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission in March 2018 which looked at how effectively provision in Worcestershire improves outcomes for children with SEND. Read the full improvement plan news article.
Consultation on the draft Graduated Response within Worcestershire - June 2019
We recently asked SEND professionals, parent / carers and young people to provide feedback on the draft new Graduated Response guidance document. The consultation closed on 1 March 2019. Since then the Local Area has been working to respond to the consultation feedback and further improve the guidance. For more information see the Graduated Response (SEND support in education provision) page.
Special Provision Capital Fund - May 2019
Local Authorities must ensure there are sufficient good school places for all pupils, including those with SEN and disabilities. The Government has now committed a total allocation of £1,843,105 (LA’s original allocation - £1,085,665, plus top ups announced in May 2018 - £252,480 and December 2018 - £504,960) of capital funding between 2018 to 2021 to help Worcestershire create new school places and improve existing facilities for children and young people with SEN and disabilities, in consultation with parents and providers. The capital is not ring-fenced and local authorities can use it to improve special provision for education, health and care (EHC) plans. The funding can be invested in mainstream schools and academies, special units, special schools and academies, early years settings, further education colleges or to make other provision for children and young people aged from 0 to 25. Further information can be found on the DfE website
The DfE require Worcestershire County Council to update and re-publish their short plan template on how the capital will be allocated to access their share of the additional funding. The plan should set out as much as they know at that point about how they intend to use their share / the options under consideration, and any further consultation they have done or intend to do.
Download: Special Provision Capital Fund Plan
Download: Special Provision Capital Spreadsheet
For further information in relation to increases in pupil numbers at special schools, please refer to Education Reviews and Consultations.
NHS Long Term Plan - January 2019
The NHS has written a plan so it can be fit for the future. It's based on the experiences of patients and staff and sets out what will happen over the next 10 years. As well as lots of other things, the NHS would like to make sure everyone has the best start in life by increasing funding for children and young people’s mental health, bringing down waiting times for autism assessments and providing the right care for children with a learning disability. Find out more about the NHS Long Term Plan