What we’re doing to improve our local area partnership SEND services
SEND improvement updates: January 2025
The local area partnership is working through the Priority Action Plan and SEND Improvement Plan following the outcome of the 2024 Ofsted and CQC inspection.
Here you will find some key updates on what we have been working on:
‘Deep dive’ feedback – update about our improvement journey
The Department for Education and NHS England held a ‘Deep Dive’ meeting with the SEND local area partnership on 16th December. This is part of standard process to monitor the progress we’ve been making on our Priority Action Plan.
They said: “The evidence provided, alongside the feedback from partners, demonstrated the commitment to improve the two APAs (Areas of Priority Action.)”
Download: Full Deep Dive Feedback Letter (PDF)
The key areas of progress they recognised are:
- additional support offers have been put in place to effectively manage waiting lists for the Umbrella Pathway (this includes recruiting three nurses for triage and support, to improve patient flow and reduce waiting times)
- 250 young people aged 16 and over have been given the option to transfer from the Umbrella Pathway to private providers for their autism assessment
- school nurses are rolling out screening programmes in reception, year 6 and year 9, to support children’s health and spot any issues earlier on
- the recruitment of a Co-production Co-ordinator, alongside an Emotional Mental Health role will strengthen the work of co-production across the partnership
- the Youth Cabinet has demonstrated high levels of engagement, and their manifesto prioritised mental health and SEND (they aim to build a strong relationship with the SEND Co-production Co-ordinator and continue linking with the SEND and AP partnership committee)
- the Youth Cabinet wants to include more young people to better represent different voices and perspectives (to achieve this, they will produce a film and a newsletter article to disseminate information to the wider community)
This is what they said we should be working on next:
- tackling the staff and expertise shortages is essential for the partnership's success (a comprehensive stocktake should be done to reassess and address what staff, money and other resources we need)
- whilst communication is improving, there is a need for a more comprehensive communication plan that reaches all children using both tangible and digital methods.
consider how to measure co-production at a strategic, operational and individual level - improve understanding of Education, Health, and Care Plans (EHCP) for children and young people with SEND, particularly those in special schools, considering their non-verbal and cognitive abilities
- create strategies to engage with children and young people to ensure their voices are heard and actions from annual reviews are consistently implemented with their input
- produce a visual plan of how the Youth Cabinet links to SEND and Alternative Provision focus groups of young people in Worcestershire
As is usual process every three months, we are reviewing our Priority Action Plan (PAP) and Improvement Plan throughout January. This will be approved by the Department for Education and Ofsted and published on our Local Offer website.
Independent Chair recruitment
We are delighted to announce the appointment to the role of Independent Chair of the SEND and Alternative Provision Executive Board, Jane Friswell. Jane has worked across England with Local Authorities, Area Partnerships, Multi Academy Trusts, NHSE, Local Health Care Trusts and Social Care bodies. Jane describes herself as a SEND agent of change, delivering tangible and sustainable difference to improve outcomes for children, young people and their families. Jane has an excellent understanding and application of effective, strategy, policy and practice in special educational needs and disabilities and whole school improvement. As a parent of a young man with autism and additional learning needs, Jane provides a blended perspective as a leader for SEND with strong purpose and support for parent carer advocacy.
Coproduction with young people
Within the priority action plan, the partnership has committed to creating and recruiting to a new and exciting post; a Co-production Officer, which has now gone live. This role will support in understanding and hearing the voice of children and young people (0-25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) across Worcestershire and the wider engagement and co production with children and young people to ensure that their views inform what we do and reflects what is important to them.
If you know any young people who might like to get more involved in working with us, or existing groups that might like to link with our improvement work, you can use this form to tell us.
Service updates
Support while waiting for your health appointment - A new website has been created to support children and young people, as well as their families, who find themselves experiencing long waits for appointments with health services in Worcestershire. These include appointments for Community Paediatrics, Umbrella Pathway, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and CAMHS. The website, created by Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB), contains details of resources and support available locally and nationally. This includes links to web resources, telephone advice and some in-person groups. Worcestershire’s Children’s Community Health services are continuing to experience a high volume of referrals and unfortunately that means children and young people are waiting longer than usual for their first appointment. This can be worrying and frustrating and the ICB are working as a system to improve waiting times for children, young people and their families.
Greater education choice for young adults - We have funded a new partnership between Heart of Worcestershire College and National Star to provide greater education choice for young adults. St Wulstan’s Building in Worcester has been transformed to create teaching and therapeutic space for post-16 learners. Five young adults have started accessing the facilities already and it is expected that there will soon be capacity for approx. 12 learners.
We will be providing updates each month, however please look through the other information on this page to find out more about how you can get involved with our improvement journey.
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