Stop smoking support
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health.
Quit smoking for 28 days this Stoptober and you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good!
Over 2.5 million people have successfully quit smoking with Stoptober.
When you stop smoking good things start to happen – quitting will allow you to start moving better, breathe more easily and give you more money to spend.
The average smoker can save around £59 a week by quitting smoking. That’s £3,000 a year
You don’t have to quit alone, it’s much easier to do it with the right information, advice, and support.
Find support
Please see below for a range of free support that is available along with advice on stop smoking aids including e-cigarettes:
- visit your local pharmacy for information and advice: NHS - Find a pharmacy
- call 0300 123 1044, the free Smokefree National Helpline to speak to a trained, expert adviser; all lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm and Saturday and Sunday 11am to 4pm
- the NHS Smokefree app can help you stop smoking by giving daily support and motivation: NHS - Quit smoking
- chat to an adviser online, sign up for 28 days of free quitting advice and tips straight to your inbox to increase your chance of success: NHS - Quit smoking
- join the Facebook Smokefree online community, swap tips and get advice from people just like you: Facebook - NHS Smokefree
- peer support: someone who feels supported is more likely to quit smoking for good; that’s why friends, family members, and significant others can play a big part in helping a person become smokefree
- control nicotine cravings: there are plenty of stop smoking products out there that can give you the extra support you need to beat the addiction including e-cigarettes, gum and patches; most of these are available in your local pharmacy or supermarket
- speak to your GP (NHS - Find GP services)
Remember it is never too late to quit!