Health and Wellbeing Board information


Health and Wellbeing Board information

The Health and Wellbeing Board brings together the organisations responsible for improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities across Worcestershire.

Health and Wellbeing Board

Purpose of committee

The Health and Wellbeing Board brings together the organisations responsible for improving health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities across Worcestershire. Its members include elected councillors and officers from County and district councils, representatives from local NHS organisations, the local voluntary and community sector, Healthwatch Worcestershire and West Mercia Police. It also has a range of sub-groups that focus on specific age groups or geographical areas such as the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership and Health Improvement Group.

The Health and Wellbeing Board and its Health and Wellbeing Strategy set the strategic direction for many other strategies, forums and committees across the Integrated Care System, working with partners to achieve better health and wellbeing for Worcestershire.

Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022 to 2032

The Health and Wellbeing Board is required to develop a Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy including a vision and priorities for improving the health and wellbeing of people who live and work in Worcestershire.

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

The Health and Wellbeing Board is required to develop a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. This is a continuous process which provides information on health and well-being in order to inform decision making across health and social care.

Updates from meetings

Health and Wellbeing Board welcomes Worcestershire Parents and Carers Community, 14 November 2023.

Chairman and County Councillor Karen May was pleased to welcome Anne Duddington and Audrey De Garis from Worcestershire Parent and Carers Community (WPCC) at the November Health and Wellbeing Board (14 November 2023).

The charity which supports over 300 families who have children with disabilities or additional needs across the county was invited to share their experiences. They work to reduce health inequalities and the isolation that comes with disability and raise awareness of barriers and finds solutions.

Anne and Audrey shared examples of the activities provided for families including physical activity sessions, peer support networks, and 1 to 1 support to help prevent crisis situations. Board members recognised the value of sharing parent and carer’s experiences, and supported the charity’s book titled ‘Love, Laughter and Tears’. Public Heath in Worcestershire will be working with Anne and Audrey to refresh and distribute this more wider in coming months.

For more information about WPCC please visit their website.

The chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board summarises topics from the most recent meeting on 21 May 2024:

Director of Public Health Annual Report

Directors of Public Health have a statutory requirement to write an independent annual report on the health of their population and the Local Authority is required to publish it.

This year’s Director of Public Health annual report has a new look. The Healthy Worcestershire celebrates the power of community for good health and wellbeing, and shares stories of brilliant public health work and outcomes across the County.

You can view the report here: The Healthy Worcestershire: The Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023 - 2024

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