Report a safeguarding concern about an adult
This guidance explains how to report a safeguarding concern and what happens next.
Adult safeguarding in Worcestershire aims to work with local people and our partners so that adults with care and support needs are supported to protect themselves from abuse and neglect. We aim to treat people fairly, with dignity and respect, and to ensure they have access to the services that they need.
Emergency and advice
Safeguarding in Worcestershire
Safeguarding in Worcestershire follows 7 steps to explore safeguarding concerns which are reported. During this process we will consider the concern reported and the most appropriate support for the person concerned. Therefore, not all concerns reported will progress through all of the steps.

Safety plan
The safety of the person must be considered from the time a concern about abuse or neglect is identified.
The person reporting the concern should consider immediate measures to keep the person safe.
When a safeguarding concern has been reported a safety plan will be developed, with the person concerned where possible, and will be monitored and updated whilst safeguarding work is underway.