Overgrown or fallen tree and shrubbery
Report an issue with overgrown trees or shrubbery.
We are only responsible for:
- any tree or vegetation growing from the highway surface
- ensuring that the highway is not affected by any tree/ vegetation that may be dangerous or create an inconvenience to passage
Do not report
We are not responsible for:
- trees or vegetation not affecting the public highway
- any tree touching wires
- fly-tipping as this is managed by your district council
For trees touching wires, please contact the appropriate apparatus owner shown below.
Telephone Wires - Contact BT Openreach:
- working hours 03316678301
- outside Working Hours 0800 0232023
- email defective.apparatus@openreach.co.uk
Power lines - Contact Western Power:
- working Hours 01332827008
- outside working hours 0800 328111
- email wpdstreetworksmid@westernpower.co.uk