Virtual School Personal Education Plan
A Personal Education Plan is an evolving record of what needs to happen for children looked after to enable them to make at least expected progress and fulfil their potential.
What is a Personal Education Plan (PEP)
A PEP is an evolving record of what needs to happen for children looked after to enable them to make at least expected progress and fulfil their potential. The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning that meets the child’s identified educational needs, raises aspirations and builds life chances.
Useful websites and resources
PEP Delegation Portal
The following short video, presentation and frequently asked questions have been produced to provide designated teachers with support and guidance on how to use the PEP system.
The following presentation will also help you gain an understanding of the process required to complete the delegated sections of the ePep form via the delegation portal.
PEP guidance
For more information and guidance to ensure that the PEP is completed ensure that it supports the child to realise their short and long-term academic achievements and aspirations see the documents below.
- Which sections to complete on the Personal Education Plan (PDF)
- Wider Services available through Worcestershire Children First (PDF)
- WVS Policy for Children Looked After and Previously Looked After Children (PDF)
- Good practice Education Targets for PEPs - September 2020 (PDF)
- Overview of the Personal Education Plan (PEP) (PDF)
- Promoting the education of looked after and previously looked after children (PDF)
- What is a SMART target (Word)
- Guidance for completion of SEND section of PEP (Word)
- Guidance for Pupil Conversations (Word)
Teacher feedback to improve pupil learning
This Feedback Vignettes tool accompanies the Education Endowment Foundation’s ‘Teacher Feedback to Improve Pupil Learning’ guidance report, which sets out six recommendations for teachers and school leaders to support them to deliver effective feedback to pupils.
Education Endowment Foundation Teacher Feedback to Improve Pupil Learning
Under the heading ‘additional tools and resources’ you will find guidance on effective feedback and what it might look like in the classroom and school leader implementation support
Technical assistance
If you are having any technical issues accessing the portal please contact support:
- email: chs.system.support@worcestershire.gov.uk
- phone: 01905 766766