Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC)
As an authority, we recognise the need to support our Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC) living in and outside of Worcestershire.
To support these young people, we have selected two learning advocates to lead/ support this cohort. They are:
- Steve Judd, email: sjudd@worcestershire.gov.uk
- Fiona Eades, email: feades@worcestershire.gov.uk
When a UASC arrives within our authority, our advocates arrange a Personal Education Plan (PEP) meeting promptly to ensure all professionals involved work together to identify appropriate provision without delay. The Virtual School have a close working relationship with social care colleagues, and they are encouraged to share welcome packs with our new into care UASC.
We also request to have an interpreter attend PEP meetings to ensure pupil voices is heard. We are aware it can take a period of time to secure a setting, so we work closely with a number of online providers to offer English Additional Language (EAL) and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) provision for our pupils during this time.