JSNA Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
Do you live or work In Worcestershire or Herefordshire?
Do you use any of the local pharmacy services in Worcestershire or Herefordshire?
If so, please help us to improve the pharmaceutical service by taking part in a survey and sharing your experiences of using these services.
You can access the survey using the following link:
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment online survey
Or you can access the survey using the QR code:

The information you provide in this survey is important and will help us to evaluate local pharmacy provision.
You can find out more about why we are asking these questions below.
What is a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)?
Every local authority, including Worcestershire County Council, has a Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) to promote integrated working among local providers of healthcare and social care such as the NHS, public health, adult social care and children's services, including elected representatives and Local Healthwatch.
The main purpose of the Worcestershire HWB is to plan together how best to meet the needs of their local population and tackle local inequalities in health.
Since 2013, Worcestershire HWB has had a responsibility to assess the need for pharmaceutical services of the population within its area and to publish a statement of need. This is referred to as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).
The PNA:
- looks at the current provision of pharmaceutical services across Herefordshire and Worcestershire,
- assesses whether service provision meets the current and future needs of the population and
- identifies any potential gaps to service delivery.
The PNA is a key document which is used by:
- NHS England to inform decisions about applications for new, or changes to existing pharmaceutical services, and the commissioning of NHS-funded services that can be provided by local community pharmacies
- local authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) when commissioning services to meet local health needs and priorities
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments
2022 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment