Information on the local economy
The Worcestershire County Economic Summary looks at the latest unemployment figures.
Worcestershire County Economic Summary
The Worcestershire County Economic Summary looks at the latest unemployment figures.
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or download the PDF summary of the information:
Worcestershire County Economic Summary February 2025 (PDF)
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Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Economy Report
This annual report provides an update on the state of the Worcestershire economy. It is informed by the evidence base used to develop the county’s economic strategy, Worcestershire’s Plan for Growth (2020 to 2040) and monitors progress on the strategic targets set out in the plan, as well as other key performance indicators across the five foundations of productivity.
Download the Worcestershire Economy Report 2024
The Midlands Engine Economic Observatory produces data on economic indicators for every LEP and local authority in the Midlands.
Download the Midlands Engine Latest Economic Data
Working with partners from the public, private and education sector, the Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) have produced a 20 year strategy document for Worcestershire ‘Plan for Growth’, linking to the Government’s Industrial Strategy.
The Plan for Growth showcases the challenges facing the 5 key areas of the Government’s Industrial Strategy which are, People, Place, Infrastructure, Business Environment, and Innovation. All of which have their own challenges which must be overcome to achieve the Worcestershire LEP’s vision for the county of a connected, creative, dynamic economy for all.
The Worcestershire LEP have built the Plan for Growth upon the successes from the previous strategy document, including achievements such as securing two Careers Hubs to help better engage the business community with schools and education, securing one of the six first wave Government funded 5G testbeds and unlocking infrastructure through the introduction of the first rail station in over 100 years in the county, Worcestershire Parkway.
It is important to note that the Plan for Growth strategy has been built working closely with numerous partners across the county, to ensure a coherent and united approach to delivering on the action points in the strategy.
Find out more here: Worcestershire's Plan for Growth 2020-2040 (PDF)