Relationships (SEND)
Friendships are an important part of everyone’s lives, and as we get older some friendships may develop into something closer and more intimate.
We’ve included information here about growing up, friendships and where you can go for help and advice about sex.
Contact, the charity for families with disabled children, have produced a guide for young disabled people called ‘Growing up, sex and relationships you can download the PDF here: Growing-up-young-people.pdf (contact.org.uk).
Scope also have a section on their website called Disability and relationships, this is aimed at adults with a disability and offers information and advice.
Autism West Midlands have a section with information sheets you can download, in the Adult Information Downloads section there are factsheets on: Friendships, Dating and relationships, Online dating and Sex and relationships.
Choice Support is a charitable community benefit society who work to provide support for autistic people, people with learning difficulties and/or mental health needs. They have a section on their website which is about relationships and getting the right support, you can find out more here: Choice Support | Supported Loving.
Easy Health is a website which covers a range of health subjects in an easy read format. Subjects include Relationships, Sexual health and Sex and relationships, with photo stories, leaflets and videos to help explain and answer questions you may have. You need to be a member to access the resources, but it’s completely free to register with no strings attached. You can find out more on their website here: Easyhealth.
In Worcestershire the NHS run a Sexual health service, this is called WISH (Worcestershire Integrated Sexual Health). The service offers information and advice to everyone to help them manage their sexual health. There are clinics running across the county and you can find out more on their website: Worcestershire Integrated Sexual Health Service (WISH).
They also have an outreach service for those under 25 who struggle to attend a clinic, but it is by referral only – you can find out more here: Sexual Health - Outreach (under 25s).