School and college travel assistance Direct Debit scheme

School and college travel assistance Direct Debit scheme

We are now able to offer the option of paying by Direct Debit.

Only complete a mandate if you have received a payment letter for transport for this school year.

About the scheme

  • you are only able to join the Direct Debit scheme at the start of the Autumn and Spring Terms
    • closing dates for Autumn Term mandates is the 31 August
    • closing dates for Spring Term mandates is the 1 December 
  • you are not able to join the scheme at any other time – if you wish to pay for the Autumn Term or Spring term after these deadline dates, you will need to make a manual payment
  • payments will be due on the 28 day of each month we cannot vary this date
  • if joining at the start of the Autumn term the payment is split into 9 months, from October to June
  • if joining at the start of the Spring term the payment is split into 6 months, from January to June.
  • the October, November and December payments cover the Autumn term; the January, February and March payments cover the Spring term; the April, May and June payments cover the Summer term
  • please be aware that if you only require one way travel, you will not be able to pay by direct debit

The Direct Debit monthly cost for each pass type is shown below:

Pass type Monthly Direct Debit amount
Severn Card Zone 1 £37
Severn Card Zone 2 £58
Severn Card Zone 3 £70
Post 16 £70
Vacant Seat £70

Missed direct debit payments

If you miss a Direct Debit payment, we will email you with details of how to make a repayment.  If there will be any problem in repaying the contribution, please contact us to discuss. 

We will send a follow up email if repayment is still not received and the transport will be cancelled if this is not received by the deadline date.

We will notify you by email before the operator is contacted.

Transport can be resumed on receipt of the repayment.

If you miss 2 or more payments in a term, you will no longer be able to pay by Direct Debit.

If you no longer require transport

If you no longer require transport and pay by Direct Debit, please return the pass to the address below and cancel the Direct Debit with your bank, once any outstanding payments have been made. Please note you will still be liable for costs until the pass is received back in the office: 

Education Travel Team
Worcestershire County Council
County Hall
Spetchley Road

Before you start

Have you received a payment letter yet?  If not, please wait until you have before completing a Direct Debit mandate as we may not have processed your application and the direct debit will be rejected until after this time and may delay the setting up of your transport. 

To complete an online mandate you will need:

  • customer Number, from your payment letter
  • pupil name
  • name of payee
  • contact details for payee
  • account holder name
  • account number
  • sort code
  • bank name
  • bank address

Set up a Direct Debit


  • once submitted, the Direct Debit mandate will be processed and when all checks have been completed by ourselves and the bank, a payment schedule letter will be sent before the first payment is taken
  • if the submission fails at any stage, you will be notified by email and another method of payment will need to be provided
  • no pass will be issued until all checks have been completed and the Direct Debit has been accepted 

Terms and Conditions for Payment of School or College Transport by Direct Debit

The following terms and conditions are agreed to as part of accepting to pay for your child's travel assistance by Direct Debit, split over 9 monthly direct debit payments (October to June) and payable on the 28th of each month:

  • by agreeing to pay for your child's travel assistance by Direct Debit, you agree that you have read and understood the full Terms and Conditions of Transport and also the Behaviour Policy, which are available to view via our website school and college transport
  • passes will be issued on a termly basis, as long as the contributions are paid according to the Direct Debit Payment Schedule
  • if you fail to keep up with repayments or cancel your Direct Debit mandate, you will still be liable to pay any remaining outstanding balance for the rest of the term, until the pass is returned to our office
    • we will write to you to notify of any unpaid contributions, advising how to make the repayments and the date this must be received
    • if no repayment is made we will refer any outstanding balance to our Legal Team
  • whilst we reserve the right to treat every case on individual circumstances, we will generally remove you from the Direct Debit scheme if a payment is returned unpaid more than once in a 12-month period
  • if you have to cancel your Direct Debit, please contact us to advise, so that we can update our records
    • any pass which is not paid for in full must be returned to the office immediately – Education Travel Team, Worcestershire County Council, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
    • you will still be liable for costs until we receive it
  • no replacement or future passes will be issued by Worcestershire County Council for your child until any debt owing is repaid, and full payment has been made for the new pass
  • Worcestershire County Council reserve the right to refuse any application to pay by Direct Debit, where a previous Direct Debit Payment Schedule has failed, even when the debt owing has subsequently been repaid
  • please contact us as soon as possible, if you are having any problems meeting the agreed Direct Debit Payment Schedule email

Contact school and college travel

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