Have your say care leavers and corporate parenting
Have your say is your opportunity to share your views, wishes and feelings with us on how you experience our services.
Hello, ‘Have Your Say' is your opportunity to share your views, wishes and feelings with us on how you experience our services and on matters that are important to you about our work with you. When you submit the information this will be sent to us, one of our team will match this to your records and it will be saved, an alert will be sent to your allocated worker, so they know your views and what has been shared.
This is monitored on every working day, this means, if you are trying to contact someone in an emergency or you have a problem, using this service in an emergency, or you are feeling unsafe, or during out of hours, like in the evening, weekends or bank holidays, means messages won't get to your worker until the next working day.
Share your views, wishes and feelings with us by filling in the online forms: