Hearing impairment
About hearing impairment and where to access help and support.
About hearing impairment
Hearing impairment can be congenital/early onset or acquired in later years and can affect anyone. The level of hearing loss can be mild to moderate, severe, or profound and this will determine how one adjusts to that loss and the level of support required to avoid isolation and low self-esteem.
Noisy environments and communal areas can be extremely challenging making it tiring, stressful and frustrating for those with a hearing loss.
There are many reasons why hearing loss occurs e.g.:
- genetic inheritance, and
- deafened by exposure to repeated loud noise for example loud machinery,
- disease (such as measles, mumps, meningitis)
- a side effect of medication or by your mother having rubella (German Measles) in pregnancy.
- by accident/trauma.
- or as part of the ageing process
Many people, both hearing and hearing impaired suffer from tinnitus which can be a sensation of ringing, whistling, hissing or buzzing which is ‘heard’. Many sufferers feel their tinnitus worsens at night or when they are anxious.
Advice, therapy and support is available through the hospital audiology department which can be accessed through your GP.
How do I get help?
If you are concerned about your hearing loss, first visit your doctor.
If you start bleeding from your ear or have acute, severe ear-ache, ring NHS Direct 111 (text phone 0845 6064647) for advice or visit the Accident and Emergency unit at the hospital.
What support is available?
A hearing loop system for people using hearing aids
Many public places have a loop system for use with hearing aids, if Bluetooth technology is activated in your hearing aids you should be able to access this automatically. Otherwise, the “T” facility will need to be programmed.
British Sign Language (BSL)
People with a severe/profound hearing loss may wish to learn British Sign Language (BSL) via organisations like Action Deafness.
Equipment and support
You may have difficulty with hearing people on the phone or the phone ringing, hearing conversations, hearing the doorbell, television, smoke alarm, alarm clock or hearing your baby cry.
There is a range of technology and equipment which may help you. Specialist workers from the Sensory Impairment Service will work with you to identify suitable advice, information, communication methods, voluntary services, equipment and support that will promote your independence and wellbeing.
They may provide additional equipment on long term loan or advise you on equipment you can purchase. The workers can also provide registration to reflect your hearing loss, helpful in accessing some additional benefits.
Lip-reading classes
Many hard of hearing people find lip-reading classes useful. Contact Action Deafness, your Local Adult Education or Hospital Audiology Department for dates, times and venues of classes near you.
You might also find the below organisations helpful to support you
- Action Deafness provides support to people to deal with deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss
- RNID is a national hearing loss charity providing information and advice
Sensory Impairment Service
If you or your health care professional feel you need additional support Specialist workers from the Sensory Impairment Service may be able to help.
They will work with you to identify suitable advice, information, communication methods, voluntary services, equipment and support that will promote your independence and wellbeing.
They may provide additional equipment on long term loan or advise you on equipment you can purchase.
The workers can also provide support in registrations and accessing some additional benefits.
To have a discussion about your needs and support available to you please contact us:
Duty Worker available on Monday to Friday.