All-Age Autism Strategy
Herefordshire and Worcestershire All-Age Autism Strategy.
About the strategy
Herefordshire and Worcestershire All-Age Autism Strategy has been co-produced by both Herefordshire and Worcestershire Autism Partnership Boards.
The strategy aims to look at the ways we can overcome the existing barriers faced by autistic people and their carers whilst also promoting what autistic people have to offer.
The strategy reflects the 6 priorities within the National Autism Strategy 2021-2026 with an additional local priority around keeping safe:
- Improving understanding and acceptance of autism within society
- Improving autistic children and young people’s access into education and support positive transitions into adulthood
- Supporting more autistic people into employment
- Tackling health and care inequalities for autistic people
- Building the right support in the community
- Improving support in criminal and youth justice systems
- Keeping safe
Priority Leads for each priority area are now working with partners to oversee the agreed actions in the action plans.
Regular updates will be added to the website to keep everyone updated on progress.