Things to do 16+ (SEND)
We have included information below about a variety of things which are available across the county, some are specialist SEND provision, whilst others are open to everyone.
We all have different interests and like doing different things. In Worcestershire there are activities and clubs which are aimed at young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), along with groups which welcome everyone. We’ve included two links below to the directories where you can search for what’s available. In both cases, once you’ve searched, you then click on the link to the group you’re interested in, and it will tell you about it along with details about how to contact them. We recommend that you check that a group is running before you travel, and there may be a cost associated with them.
Short break groups and activities If you click on the link, it will take you through to a page with groups and activities which are for children and young people with SEND. Not all the activities will be suitable for young people, but there are details of groups for over 16’s and over 18’s.
Groups and activities for young people - directory this link will take you through to a directory of groups and activities for young people in Worcestershire, some are especially for young people with additional needs or disabilities and others are open to everyone. Some of the groups are commissioned by us, but not all, and those won’t have been quality checked by the county council.
Worcestershire County Council has a searchable database of events and activities, which are open to all, and all age groups across the county. It is not SEND specific, and some activities and events have a cost associated with it.
This page on the website has information about cycling and walking routes in the county – once on the page scroll down to find the information: Cycling, Walking and Wheeling.
Visit Worcestershire is the official tourism website for the county. If you’re looking for ideas of things to do or places to visit the site has a ‘What’s on’ and an ‘Offers’ section along with useful articles. Please note that this is not a disability specific website, and some activities have a cost associated to them.
Accessible toilets
When you are out and about knowing where the nearest toilets are located can really help. The standard accessible toilets meet the needs of some disabled people – but not all.
Many people need personal assistance to use the toilet or change continence pads, including people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, spinal injuries and people living with stroke.
There are 21 registered Changing Places facilities across Worcestershire.
If you’re out and about in the county, or further afield in the UK you can search on the Changing Places website for the full list of publicly accessible Changing Places facilities.
Clubs and social events
- Discobility (Bromsgrove)
- Discobility (Droitwich)
- Discobility (Redditch)
- DY10
- Good Times Club
- The Monday Night Club
- The Thursday Night Club
SEND Local Offers in other areas
All Local Authority areas have their own version of the SEND Local Offer website with information about things to do. Here are the links to the neighbouring Local Authorities SEND Local Offer websites, which may be particularly useful if you live close to one of the borders.