Behaviour on school and college transport
Behaviour on school and college transport
Expected levels of student behaviour are detailed on the back of any pass issued by us:
- you must behave responsibly on the transport at all times
- behaviour which could lead to the injury of another passenger
- could distract the driver or cause an accident
- may result in the withdrawal of transport
- a warning letter will be issued for any minor instances of misbehaviour or bullying
- this will be sent to the parents and copied to the school
- a temporary ban from transport can also be issued for repeated breaches of the behaviour policy
- this ban can last for up to 2 weeks
- for more serious incidents, such as violent behaviour that causes a threat to the operation of the vehicle
- or damage to the vehicle itself,
- a ban may be immediately put in place
- we will liaise with the school and the operator to determine what action will be taken
- we may consider reinstating transport after a Review Meeting between parents, school, the operator and ourselves
- this may involve a phased reinstatement of transport
- if a student has been issued with a ban, it is the parent’s responsibility to transport the student to and from school for the duration of the ban
- we will not reimburse any additional costs incurred