Early years specialist provision review and plan
In November 2022 we invited stakeholders including settings, parents, health providers to participate a review and the development of early years specialist provision.
During November 2022 we asked providers and parent/carers for their feedback on what was working well and what could be improved to support pre-school age children with Special Educational Needs.
The feedback received through these discussions and questionnaires provided us with feedback about what was going well and where and how experiences and provision could be better. This feedback has informed recommendations for improvement, and we would like to thank all those involved.
- the Outcome of Nursery Assessment Unit Review (PDF) details the key purpose of the review, and the findings identified to take forward including
- a redesign of practice to ensure effective multi-agency working and co-production with families is in place when additional needs are identified for our youngest children
- the Early Years Inclusion Process was developed and launched
- sufficiency of provision and places where children with complex needs can access their full Nursery Education Funding (NEF) Entitlement
Our vision is that most early years aged children in the county should be able to attend their local early years provider and have their SEND needs identified and met within that setting. To enable this to happen the county has a strong Early Help offer provided by a range of partners, and specialist support in education provided through the Early Years Inclusion Process.
However, we recognise that for a small number of children their needs require an enhanced provision offer, and therefore overtime, starting in the South of the county, we are developing Early Years Enhanced Provisions. Whilst we transition to this model of working, additional offers via outreach and one Nursery Assessment Unit will be in place.
Enhanced Early Years provision
We are developing our Enhanced Early Years provision, delivered by an early years provider or school to meet the needs of children whose identified complex needs make it difficult for them to attend or receive their full Nursery Education Funding (NEF) entitlement in an early years setting.
In June 2023 we held information events for potential providers to hear about the Enhanced Early Years provision and ask any questions.
In September and October 2023 we started the process to secure this provision from the market for Enhanced Early Years provision in the South of Worcestershire (Worcester, Malvern and Wychavon).
November 2024 update
Due to unforeseen circumstances the Wyre forest Early Years Outreach Service is currently unable to accept referrals. Worcestershire Early Years Inclusion Team, alongside other services in Inclusion Support will continue to provide guidance and support to families and providers in the Wyre Forest, Bromsgrove and Redditch areas’. You can contact the Early Years Inclusion Team on EYinclusion@worcestershire.gov.uk
June 2024 Update
Early Years Enhanced Provision for the South of the county (including Worcester)
Two sites have been identified for the new Early Years Enhanced Provision and we are working with the identified provider to confirm final timings, with the hope that the provision will be open to children and families from January 2025. We are working with the provider and stakeholders to finalise plans for these provisions. In the meantime, Vale of Evesham continues to provide outreach support for children identified with significant and complex SEND needs.
Provision for the North of the county
Batchley Nursery Plus will continue to operate in 2024 to 2025 as a Nursery Assessment Unit, with a maximum of 16 part-time places for the year which will provide enhanced provision for the Redditch and Bromsgrove areas.
In the Wyre Forest Area, in preparation for the transition to an Early Years Enhanced Provision model, Wyre Forest Nursery Assessment Unit will no longer operate in its current model from September 2024. Instead, Wyre Forest School will provide outreach support for children identified with significant and complex SEND needs in the area, bringing this area into line with the South of the county and enabling a greater amount of children to receive support.
There are no proposed changes to the nursery provision at Chadsgrove Special School for pre-school age children with complex physical and medical needs.