Funded childcare for children aged 3 to 4 years
Worcestershire County Council provides funded early education places (also known as childcare) for children aged 3 to 4 years within Worcestershire.
Eligibility dates for 3 and 4 year olds
All children are eligible for 15 hours of funded early education per week from the term after their 3rd birthday.
Children of working parents/carers may be entitled to an additional 15 hours of funded early education per week.
Children who turn three between | You can start receiving your funded hours from | If eligible for 30 hours please apply |
1 January and 31 March | April after the child's 3rd birthday | 15 January to 28 February |
1 April and 31 August | September after the child's 3rd birthday | 15 June to 31 July |
1 September and 31 December | January after the child's 3rd birthday | 15 October to 30 November |
Search for settings that offer funded places
Find out more about 15 hours childcare
Childcare for 3 and 4 year olds
All 3 to 4 year old children are entitled to 15 hours of funded childcare per week, which is a total of 570 hours per year. These 15 hours are known as the 'universal hours'.
Children will continue to be entitled to these universal funded hours until either the end of the term in which they become five years of age or until they start in a maintained, academy or free school reception class.
These hours can be used in many different ways such as 15 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year, or less hours per week for more than 38 weeks of the year. Your childcare setting will have more information about what they can provide.
Some children are entitled to an additional 15 hours per week which is known as 'Childcare Support' or the 'Working Families entitlement'.
How do I claim my child's funded entitlement?
To claim your child's funded hours you will need to complete a Parent Declaration Form, which will be given to you by your chosen childcare setting, this confirms the total number of hours that your child is attending per week.
You will need to provide proof of your child's date of birth to your chosen childcare setting before accessing their funded place.
Your child's setting can choose how they offer the early years funded entitlement. Please discuss your requirements with each setting before completing this form to ensure that what they offer meets your needs.
Where can my child take up the funded hours?
The childcare settings must be registered with Worcestershire County Council to offer funded hours and include:
• pre-schools
• day nurseries
• school nurseries
• independent (private) schools
• funded childminders
• wrap around care
If your child attends two or more registered settings, you must complete a Parent Declaration Form for both settings, which must contain accurate information about the number of hours your child attends at each.
Frequently Asked Questions about 3 and 4 year old funding
Why does the childcare setting need a copy of my child’s birth certificate?
The setting needs to confirm your child’s date of birth to ensure that they are the right age to access a funded place. You can show the setting a copy of your child’s birth certificate, passport, or health record.
Can my child access their funded hours in Worcestershire if I do not live in Worcestershire?
If your child attends a childcare setting in Worcestershire, the place will be funded by Worcestershire County Council. If you child attends a setting in another local authority, that local authority will fund their place.
What happens to the funded hours if my child attends more than one childcare setting?
You can choose how you want to allocate your child’s funded hours, but you should talk to all your child’s settings to check what they can offer before deciding. Once you have agreed, you should enter the hours onto your Parent Declaration Form which will be given to you by each setting your child attends.
Do I have to pay for a funded place?
Worcestershire County Council pays the childcare setting directly for the funded hours your child attends; however, this will not cover the cost of any food, consumables or additional services. The setting should have written information about how they offer the funded hours and any charges that may apply.
What if my childcare setting does not offer the funded hours when I want my child to attend?
Childcare settings can choose how they offer the funded hours. All settings must have a free offer available, but this can be for a limited number of places. It is advisable to check that the childcare setting offers the funded hours in a way which meets your needs.
All childcare settings should have written information to explain how they offer the funded hours.
If your chosen setting does not have an offer that meets your needs, please use the Childcare Search to find a suitable alternative.
Search for settings that offer funded places for 3 and 4 year old children
Can lunchtime be classed as part of the funded entitlement?
The funded hours can be taken over a lunch break if this is offered by your childcare setting. Your setting may offer a meal at an additional cost, or you may be able to take a packed lunch; this should be discussed with your childcare setting before taking up the place.
Can I be charged a fee if I only want to use the funded hours?
You cannot be charged a registration fee if your child only accesses the funded hours. If your child access additional hours or services, you may be charged a registration fee; this should be discussed with your childcare setting.
If you are booking your child’s place in advance, you may be charged a refundable deposit to secure the place. This must be refunded to you by the end of the first term in which your child accesses funded hours.
Can I be charged during holiday periods?
If your child is accessing their funded hours over more than 38 weeks (stretched), you should not be charged during the holiday periods unless your child is accessing additional hours or services.
If your child is accessing their funded hours on a ‘term-time only’ basis and you do not wish to access paid for hours over the holidays, your childcare provider may not be able to guarantee your child’s place for the following term. You may be offered the option of paying a retainer to secure the place; this should be discussed with your child’s setting.
If my child does not attend, are the funded hours affected?
You are not able to claim back any funded hours that your child has been unable to attend; this includes illness, holidays, or any other absence. The funded hours will be used to keep your child’s place open until their return.
My child will soon be old enough to start in the reception class at school. Do they have to start?
Legally, your child must start school the term following their 5th birthday. Your child can continue to access funded hours until the end of the term in which they turn 5 years of age.
Is there any additional funding for a child with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities?
If your child has Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), their entitlement is still a maximum of 15 free hours per week, unless you meet the criteria for 30 Hours Childcare.
If your child attends a specialist setting, such as an Early Years Language Class, the free hours will be automatically allocated to them. If your child attends the specialist setting for less than 15 hours per week, they will be able to use their remaining entitlement at another setting.
The setting may be able to apply for funding to provide additional support to meet the needs of your child; this is used to ensure that the funded hours are appropriate for your child and cannot be used to increase the number of funded hours they can access.
What is Early Years Pupil Premium?
The Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) is an extra payment given to your childcare setting for the universal 15 hours only, for children in families accessing certain benefits. Please indicate on the Parent Declaration Form if you think you are eligible; this will enable your child’s setting to claim additional funding to meet your child’s needs.
How do I change my child’s setting?
The funded hours are allocated on a termly basis. If you wish to move your child to a different childcare setting, you will need to give notice to your current setting by the end of the 3rd week of term to guarantee a transfer of funding.
If you wish to transfer your child to a different setting after this date, please contact your local Family Information Service for support.
Before requesting a change in childcare setting, you should discuss any required notice periods with your child’s current setting. If a transfer takes place, the funded hours cannot be used to cover the cost of any notice period.
I am not sure if my child is receiving all their funded entitlement – what should I do?
Your child’s setting should have written information explaining how they offer the funded hours. If you are paying for any additional services or hours, you should receive an invoice that clearly identifies any charges. If you are unsure about any of the charges, you should speak to your childcare setting who should be able to explain the fees. If you still have concerns, please contact your local Family Information Service for support.
Find out more about 30 hours childcare
Childcare settings who offer funded places up to 30 hours per week.
Search for settings that offer 30 hours for childcare for 3 and 4 year olds
30 hours childcare
Working parents of 3 and 4 year olds in England may be entitled to up to 30 hours of funded childcare, for 38 weeks of the year (or fewer hours over more weeks). This is an additional 15 hours of funded childcare on top of the 15 hours universal entitlement for all 3 and 4 year olds in England.
These hours can be used in many different ways such as 30 hours per week for 38 weeks of the year, or fewer hours per week for more than 38 weeks of the year. Your childcare setting will have more information about what they can provide to you.
Eligibility Criteria
You, and any partner, are working, and each earning at least the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for 16 hours a week – this is £167 if you’re over 23 – but less than £100,000 a year each
You can still apply for 30 hours funded childcare if you’re:
- on paid sick leave.
- on paid ordinary or additional maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or getting Maternity Allowance, for another child
- on paid shared parental leave
- on paid annual leave
If you are not currently working
You may still be eligible if your partner is working, and you get Incapacity Benefit, Severe Disablement Allowance, Carer’s Allowance or contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance.
You can apply if you’re starting or re-starting work within the next 31 days.
Your immigration status
To be eligible for 30 hours funded childcare, you (or your partner if you have one) must have a National Insurance number and at least one of the following:
- British or Irish citizenship
- Settled or pre-settled status, or you have applied and you’re waiting for a decision
- Permission to access public funds - your UK residence card will tell you if you cannot do this
Useful links
How do I claim my child's funded hours?
When you have received your eligibility code please send or take a copy to your chosen childcare setting.
You will need to complete a Parent Declaration Form, which will be given to you by your chosen childcare setting, this confirms the total number of hours that your child is attending per week.
You will need to provide proof of your child's date of birth to your chosen childcare setting before accessing their funded place.
Your child's setting can choose how they offer the funded entitlement. Please discuss your requirements with each setting before completing this form to ensure that what they offer meets your needs
Where can my child take up the funded hours?
The childcare settings must be registered with Worcestershire County Council to offer funded hours and include:
- pre-schools
- day nurseries
- school nurseries
- independent (private) schools
- funded childminders
- wrap around care
If your child attends two registered settings, you must complete a Parent Declaration Form for both settings, which must contain accurate information about the number of hours your child attends at each
Frequently Asked Questions about 30 hours childcare for 3 and 4 year old children
Where and when to apply
- Childcare Choices | 30 Hours Childcare, Tax-Free Childcare and More | Help with Costs | GOV.UK
- Support for children who are Looked After or Adopted from care
Children who turn three years of age between: | Recommended Time to apply: | Date application must be made by: | Date additional 15 hours can start: |
1 April and 31 August | Mid-June – end of July | 31 August | 1 September |
1 September and 31 December | Mid-October – end of November | 31 December | 1 January |
1 January and 31 March | Mid-January – end of February | 31 March | 1 April |
Date parent receives ineligible decision or date of Code End Date if Code is not refreshed: | Grace Period End Date: |
1 September – 21 October | 31 December |
22 October – 31 December | 31 March |
1 January – 10 February | 31March |
11 February – 31 March | 31 August |
1 April – 26 May | 31 August |
27 May – 31 August | 31 December |