Having problems finding childcare in your area?

Having problems finding childcare in your area?

Your first step should be using the childcare searches to find settings that have chosen to share their details.

Your first step should be using the childcare searches to find settings that have chosen to share their details with families looking for childcare. 

If you have been unable to find a suitable place, contact your local Family Hub who can put settings in touch with you who aren't sharing their details but may have a place. 

If the Family Hub can't help you find a place, they will let the Local Authority to know, so the Authority can explore creating more places in your area. 

Find childcare in your area

Find a Starting Well Family Hub

Starting Well in Worcestershire service brings together teams of staff who provide help and support to children, young people and families. The service will provide support to expectant mums, to new born babies, to school aged children and teenagers and works to encourage development and progress.  Find out where your local Starting Well Partnership Family Hub is and the services they offer.  

Starting Well Family Hub (nhs.uk)

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