Formally known as The Integrated Service for Looked After children is a team of multi-agency professionals who specialise in helping Looked After Children.
About the Service
Anchor is a team of multi-agency professionals who specialise in helping Looked After Children, who need support with their physical health, emotional well-being and mental health.
Looked after children have often experienced adverse childhood experiences (including abuse, neglect and inconsistent parenting), and separations from their care givers. As a result they may develop attachment difficulties which makes trusting others difficult and frightening, and can impact not only on relationships with others, but on how they feel about themselves and experience the world. The traumatic experiences they have had can make it difficult to feel safe in their everyday lives, even when they are no longer in danger. Developmental trauma can also have a significant impact on brain development which can affect all aspects of social, emotional and cognitive development.
We often work with foster parents/kinship carers and the network to ensure that a child or young person’s current way of managing the world is understood in the context of their experiences. This enables adults supporting the child or young person to understand and meet their needs.
The team is made up of professionals from different backgrounds including, Clinical Psychologists, Named Nurse for Looked After Children, Specialist Nurses for Looked After Children, Senior Mental health Nurse, Social workers, Community and Leisure Engagement Worker and Green Fingers Mentors.
Our services
The team offer health assessments (for school aged Worcestershire Looked After Children), therapeutic/attachment focused parenting advice and direct work/therapy, where deemed appropriate, for Looked After Children, Foster Carers and Kinship carers, who are living in the Worcestershire area.
The Green Fingers Project is part of the Anchor service and works with Worcestershire Looked After Children and Adopted children and those living with Special Guardianship Orders (SGO) carers to support and improve their health and wellbeing through the provision of alternative curriculum and therapeutic activities. Green Fingers Privacy Notice.
If you are a Health professional who is working with or undertaken a Health Assessment with a Worcestershire Looked After Child you can make a referral to Anchor.
If you are a young person or carer who looks after a young person, who has had support from Anchor, your feedback is important to us. Please click below to complete our Feedback form.