SEND resources
We have a whole range of SEND resources and qualifications which have been created to support your learners.
On this page you can find a range of resources and booklets to download which have been create especially for learners with SEND needs:
- Download: How to write a CV SEND - Activity
- Download: How to write a CV SEND - Career Leaders Overview
- Download: Interviewing an adult
- Download: Employability poster
- Download: Research your future
- Download: Job Sector Posters (SEND)
- Download: How to write a covering letter (with SEND icons)
- Download: How to look for a job online (with SEND icons)
- Download: Your Future Opportunities Activity (PDF)
- Download: A-Z of Job Roles (SEND) Activity (PDF)
- Download: A-Z of Job Roles (SEND) Overview (PDF)
What is a...?
- Download: What is a degree (SEND) (PDF)
- Download: What is a degree (In Print) (PDF)
- Download: What is a Further Education College? (SEND) (PDF)
- Download: What is a Further Education College? (In Print) (PDF)
- Download: What is a GCSE? (SEND)
- Download: What is a GCSE? (SEND InPrint - PDF)
- Download: What is a Private Training Provider? (SEND PDF)
- Download: What is a Private Training Provider? (InPrint PDF)
- Download: What is a Sixth Form?(SEND) (PDF)
- Download: What is a Sixth Form? (In Print) (PDF)
- Download: What is an A level? (SEND PDF)
- Download: What is an A level? (InPrint PDF)
- Download: What is a Study Programme? SEND (PDF)
- Download: What is a Study Programme? SEND InPrint (PDF)
- Download: What is a T Level? SEND (PDF)
- Download: What is a T Level? SEND InPrint (PDF)
- Download: What is a Supported Internship? SEND (PDF)
- Download: What is a Supported Internship? SEND InPrint (PDF)
- Download: What is an NVQ? (SEND)
- Download: What is an NVQ? (SEND InPrint - PDF)
- Download: What is a University? (SEND)
- Download: What is a University? (SEND InPrint - PDF)
- Download: What is a VTQ? (SEND)
- Download: What is a VTQ? (SEND InPrint - PDF)
Work experience resources
- Download: Work Experience Log Book Overview (PDF)
- Download : Work Experience Log Book InPrint (PDF)
- Download: Work Experience Log Book SEND (PDF)
- Download: BM6 Experience of the Workplace for SEND, AP or PRU (PDF)
Choices careers and advice booklets
See page: Choices careers and advice magazines and booklets
- Download: SEND Life Beyond School - Choices Booklet Issue 1 (PDF)
- Download: SEND Life Beyond School - Choices Booklet Issue 2 (PDF)
- Download: SEND Life Beyond School - Choices Booklet Issue 3 (PDF)
- Download: SEND Life Beyond School - Choices Booklet Issue 4 (PDF)
- Download: SEND Life Beyond School - Choices Booklet Issue 5 (PDF)
- Download: Choices Magazine - Transition into Higher Education SEND (PDF)
Other resources
- Download: Challenging Stereotypes SEND - Overview
- Download: Challenging Stereotypes - SEND Activity
- Download: Guess my Job SEND Career Leader Overview
- Download: Guess my Job SEND Activity
- Download: Activities linked to Television SEND Career Leader Overview
- Download: Activities linked to Television SEND Activity
- Download: Famous People (SEND) - Overview
- Download: Famous People (SEND) - Activity
- Download: Famous People (SEND) - Activity (no icons)
- Download: INclusive Pathways Marketing Pack
- Download: Future Skills Questionnaire (SEND) Support Document (PDF)
Useful links
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