Food Savvy Recipes Try out these fabulous recipes. Try out these delicious recipes with your leftover food items. ABCD EFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTU VWX YZ Title Cardamon and honey lassi Carina's pumpkin and pear soup Carrot top dhal Cauliflower and chickpea curry Cauliflower no-cheese Cauliflower sweet piccalilli Celeriac, kale and potato gratin Charred sprout dip Cheeseburger salad Chickpea "no tuna" sweetcorn salad Chimmichurri Chinese curry Chocolate and hazelnut spread Chocolate and walnut brownies Chocolate orange truffles Christmas choccy squares Christmas chutney Christmas pudding ice cream Christmas stir fry Christmas tiffin Coffee and coconut milkshake Courgette fritters Cranberry sauce Cranberry turkey pasties Creme caramel Crusted pumpkin wedges