What you can recycle and where.
How your items are recycled
From start to finish, how your glass, paper, plastics and metals are recycled.
What to put in the green bin
And what not....
Household Recycling Centres
Where they are and what you can recycle there.
Permits for Household Recycling Centres
e-permits for large vehicles.
What goes where?
From aerosols to zimmer frames, we’ll tell you how to recycle, reuse or dispose of them and where.
Recycling locator
Find out what you can recycle and where.
Recycling symbols explained
How to tell the difference between a Mobius Loop and a “Green Dot”.
Recycling in schools
How to recycle and resources for schools.
What to do with “non-recyclable” items
More information on what to do with these items.
Recycling myths
Is that really true? Find out here.
Battery, vape and electrical recycling
How to recycle batteries, vapes and electrical appliances.