Your career options after leaving school or college
Here are a broad range of pathways and support available to you in Worcestershire to help you with your future career choices.

Find out about apprenticeships and search the vacancies in Worcestershire.
Further education (Colleges and Sixth Form)
Find out about Further Education providers and options in Worcestershire.
University and higher education
Find out about Higher Education providers and options in Worcestershire.
T Levels
Find out about the new T Level qualifications.
Technical qualifications
Discover the routes into a variety of occupations through technical qualifications.
Graduate opportunities
Find out about the graduate opportunities in Worcestershire.
Young Adult Learning
Find out about the Young Adult Learning opportunities in Worcestershire.
SEND career options and support
Support and options if you have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or an educational health care plan (EHCP).
Not in employment, education or training
If you are Not in employment, education or training (NEET) there are a range of options to support you.
Learning Services Worcestershire
Discover over 400 courses and skills programmes - ranging from improving your CV, keeping up to date with I.T., exploring your creative side, traineeships, boosting your health and wellbeing, and many more.
Why work in Worcestershire?
Find out why you would choose to work and live in Worcestershire.