SENDIASS guidance for SEND Support and EHCPs
Local authorities have a legal duty to make sure that each child fulfils their educational potential.
Every child and young person has the right to an effective education. Every local authority has a legal duty to make sure that each child fulfils their educational potential.
Everyone learns in different ways and at different rates. Many children and young people will therefore need extra help at some time during their education. In most cases, schools and settings will help them overcome any difficulties by providing work that is suitable for their level of ability. This is called differentiation.
However, some children and young people will have a learning difficulty or disability that requires special educational provision. This provision is something that is additional to and different from that generally available to pupils of the same age. These children and young people may be identified as having special educational needs (SEN).
What is SEN support?
Every child with special educational needs should have SEN support. This means help that is additional to or different from the support generally given to other children of the same age. The purpose of SEN support is to help children achieve the outcomes or learning objectives set for them by the school. Schools should involve parents in this process.
Please see our animation below for more information on SEND Support.
SEN support is also known as the Graduated Response.
For more information, please see our leaflet SEN support in mainstream schools or the Graduated Response.
Education Health Care Plans (EHCP)
Many children and young people will need extra help at some time during their education. In most cases schools and settings will be able to meet individual needs through SEN support from their own resources and expertise.
However, some children and young people may need support that is over and above this and may benefit from an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Prior to an EHC plan being produced, an Education, Health and Care needs assessment must take place to determine whether an EHCP is needed.
The local authority must carry out a needs assessment if they:
- believe your child has or may have special educational needs, and
- they may need special educational provision to be made through an EHC plan
To request a needs assessment you can write to or email the local authority
You can download our Request for an EHC Needs Assessment Model Letter Template to help with this.
SEN team,
Herefordshire Council,
Plough Lane,
Email: senteam@herefordshire.gov.uk
Phone: 01432 260178
The Assessment Team
SEND and Vulnerable Learners
Education and Early Help
County Hall
Spetchley Road
Email: SEN@worcestershire.gov.uk
Phone: 01905 846000
In Worcestershire you can submit a request for a EHC Needs Assessment via the Children's Portal. The Council have produced guides to using the portal and submitting a request for an EHC Needs Assessment. They can be downloaded below:
- parent guide to submitting an EHCP assessment request
- parent guide to setting up a parent portal account
The local authority will then have 6 weeks to decide whether to carry out a needs assessment or not.
To help with this, most local authorities follow the model of the Family Conversation. Please see our animation below for more information on the Family Conversation.
To find out more about the Education, Health and Care needs assessment and EHC plans please read our Education Health Care Needs Assessment Factsheet
At Herefordshire and Worcestershire SENDIASS, we can help families navigate through the EHC needs assessment process.
What is an EHCP?
The Council for Disabled Children has produced this video about Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs):
For more information, please see our leaflet Education Health and Care Plans.
EHCP Annual Review
Education, Health and Care Plans must be reviewed at least every 12 months. This process is known as the Annual Review. The Council for Disabled Children has released this animation:
For more information, please see our leaflet Annual Review of an Education Health and Care Plan.
Support for pupils with medical conditions
There is a duty on maintained schools and academies to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions. In doing so they should ensure that children can access and enjoy the same opportunities at school as any other child.
The aim is to ensure that all children with medical conditions, in terms of both physical and mental health, are properly supported in school so that they can play a full an active role in school life, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.
Key points:
- Pupils at school with medical conditions should be properly supported so that they have full access to education, including school trips and physical education
- Governing bodies must ensure that arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils at school with medical conditions
- Governing bodies should ensure that school leaders consult health and social care professionals, pupils and parents to ensure that the needs of children with medical conditions are properly understood and effectively supported
Individual healthcare plans will specify the type and level of support required to meet medical needs. Plans need to be reviewed at least annually or earlier if the child’s needs have changed. Plans should be developed with the child’s best interests in mind and ensure that the school assesses and manages risks to the child’s education, health and social well-being and minimizes disruption.
Schools must develop a policy for supporting pupils with medical conditions that is reviewed regularly and is accessible. The school should have a named person who has overall responsibility for policy implementation.
Also in this section
- Concerned about your child’s progress
- What is SEND?
- SEND, Support and EHCPs
- Early years
- Choosing a school for a child with SEND
- Resolving disagreements or making a complaint
- Mediation and tribunal
- Education Otherwise Than at School (EOTAS)
- Transport
- Health