Pumpkin kimchi
Ingredients: (makes about 2 litres)
• 500 grams cabbage, finely shredded (reserve 1 outer leaf and the core)
• 200 grams turnip, diced into ½ cm cubes
• 200 grams carrot, thin matchsticks
• 23 grams salt
• 5 spring onions, roughly chopped
• 40 grams ginger (skin on), diced
• 5 garlic cloves, peeled and finely sliced
• 2 large firm pears (approx 300 grams), cut into chunks
• 1 tablespoon chipotle chilli flakes
• 1 teaspoon sugar
• 150-200 grams pumpkin insides (seeds removed) and off cuts, sliced
• 1 1/2 tablespoons miso
• 5 tablespoons gochujang chilli paste
1. Add the cabbage, turnip, and carrot into a large mixing bowl. Sprinkle over the salt and let the veg sit whilst you get on with making the rest. As it sits, you’ll notice the brine forming.
2. Next, add the spring onion, ginger, garlic and pear to the bowl and mix. Massage the veg for about 5-10 minutes until you get brine forming in the bottom of the bowl. Now add the chilli flakes and sugar and mix to combine.
3. In high speed blender, combined the pumpkin, miso and chilli paste. Blitz until smooth.
4. Use your hands to mix the paste through the veg.
5. Pack a clean 2 litre cliptop jar with the kimchi, pressing and packing it down as you go. Finish the packing by using the flat end of a rolling pin or a muddling stick to pack it into the jar tightly.
6. Once the jar is tightly packed (ensure that there are no air pockets), cover the kimchi with the cabbage leaf and top with the cabbage cores (these act as your fermentation weights).
7. Set the kimchi out on your kitchen side to ferment, out of direct sunlight. Burp the kimchi 1-2 times daily by flipping the latch or pulling the tab on the rubber ring.
8. After 5 days open and taste test the kimchi, it should be punchy, tangy but still crunchy. If the flavour still needs to develop, seal it back up and ferment for another 1-2 days.
9. When you are ready to eat the kimchi, decant into smaller jars and store in the fridge. Serve from one jar at a time to prolong the shelf-life. The kimchi should last several months (if you don’t eat it all before then) in the fridge.
Recipe provided by Nena Foster of Natural Chef for #FoodSavvy Norfolk & Suffolk