Worcestershire has gained 14 newly qualified adult social workers to provide vital support residents across the county, following the completion of their Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE).
A celebration event was held on Wednesday (January 29) in Worcester to recognise the great achievement, hard work and success of our county’s newest social workers.
Sian Walker one of the newly qualified social workers celebrated at the event said: “As I have now gone straight into my new role in mental health, I haven’t really stopped to celebrate my qualification until now! It is a lovely way to reflect on my journey and celebrate my successes – I was so pleased to be invited.”
Councillor Richard Morris, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Adult Social Care, Worcestershire County Council, said: “It’s great to be celebrating our social workers achievements, in adult social care. This year is a really important period for our students, as it allows them to learn in real time, and gives them the tools and experience to refer back to as they continue to develop in their chosen careers providing valuable support to our most vulnerable residents.”
Helen Stanley, Social Work Academy Manager, Worcestershire County Council, added: “The ASYE programme is for all sectors (statutory and private/voluntary/independent) and across child and family, adult and mental health services. It is part of the WCC ‘grow our own’ strategy and workforce pipeline. A number of our newly qualified adult social workers had their final student placement within their ASYE team. We are very proud of their successful completion of the ASYE and will support them to develop and progress in their social work career.”
Social workers received a certificate, a token gift of appreciation to support them in their practice and light refreshments to congratulate them on their achievements.
The ASYE is a 12-month, employer-led and employment-based programme of support and assessment for newly qualified social workers.
The social workers were supported throughout the process by the County Council’s Social Work Academy, a professional hub providing social workers with a clear framework for professional development, ensuring they can thrive and achieve the highest quality practice.
It provides access to relevant professional development and resources to enhance skills, increase knowledge and equip staff to progress and prepare for the challenging, but incredible career ahead of them.
The County Council continue to work with our partners across Worcestershire, including greater integration between health and social care, to support people to plan for all stages of life and enable people to lead the lives they want to live, as independently as possible.
For more info on the programme please see: Social Work Academy.