Welcome to Worcestershire
What's happening in the county
Apply for a school place
Make an Application for a First, Primary, Junior, Middle or High School place in September 2025.
Help shape the County’s new Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy
You are invited to share your views of Electric Vehicle (EV) ownership and access to charging facilities within the county.
Your Worcestershire magazine
Our magazine for people in Worcestershire who call the county their home.
What is your super power?
Become a foster carer super hero!
Latest news
Energy generated from the EnviRecover Energy from Waste facility in Worcestershire, has recovered a huge one million megawatts of energy from waste that would have gone to landfill.
The views of residents in the Redditch area are being sought to shape plans to make cycling, walking and wheeling a more attractive and safer choice for local journeys.
A new Careers Worcestershire hub in Redditch, was formally opened this week (Monday 9 September)
Worcestershire County Council is leading a partnership project to develop a new county-wide volunteer portal.