Early years safeguarding
We provide a range of services to help you meet regulatory requirements and keep children safe.
Safeguarding is everyone's business
Early years and childcare practitioners are in a unique position to observe changes in a child's behaviour or appearance which give rise to concern about their well-being. Section 40 of the Childcare Act 2006 places a duty on early years providers to comply with the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (DfE 2024), which states that:
Providers must take all necessary steps to keep children safe and well and have regard for the statutory guidance, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023. If concerns about a child's safety or welfare arise providers must notify children's social care services without delay.
We provide a range of services to help you meet regulatory requirements and keep children safe, including safeguarding training, consultancy support in the setting, supervision for DSL’s and evaluation of setting policy and practice. For more information about these services please contact our Early Years Team: 01905 844048