Worcestershire set to receive 160k Active Travel boost

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Travel and roads

Worcestershire County Council has been awarded more than £160,000 in funding to improve cycling, walking and wheeling routes across the county.

The County Council was successful in securing £162,519 as part of the Capability Building Fund, set up by Active Travel England.

The funding will be used for training and to develop Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans for Bromsgrove, Droitwich, Malvern, Pershore and Worcester city. A support package that includes dedicated training, guidance and design support had been put in place now the funding has been confirmed.

Councillor Mike Rouse, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Highways and Transport, said: “We’re continually working to make improvements to our cycling, walking and wheeling network in the county.

“The zero rating we received last year was difficult to take but we’re now pushing forward to ensure we move away from this rating as soon as possible.

“A lot of work has already taken place and this additional funding will go a long way towards delivering our ambitious plans and opening up further avenues for support and funding.”

Worcestershire County Council has delivered a number of schemes in the county, including fully segregated cycleways, secure cycle parking, junction enhancements for Active Travel, route improvements, new road crossings, routes in 20mph zones and three Active Travel bridges.

Further proposals in development include significant walking and cycling provision integrated into major road networks and Levelling Up Funding applications and committing internal Council funding to deliver a further two new Active Travel river bridges to enhance connectivity and facilitate modal shift.

The Local Transport Plan 4 (2018 to 2030) sets out 28 Active Travel corridors setting the strategic direction for the Local Cycling and Walking infrastructure Plans (LCWIP). The first LCWIP for Evesham is being finalised and the County Council has commissioned a second for Redditch.
