Unpaid adult carer survey now open

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Unpaid carers are being encouraged to take part in a short survey to help shape a strategy for unpaid carers in Worcestershire.

Worcestershire County Council and Worcestershire Association of Carers have launched a survey about the aspirations or goals of carers, to find out what unpaid carers wish to achieve and what unpaid carers would like to see included in an updated strategy for carers in the county. 

The previous all age unpaid carers strategy Carers at the Heart of Worcestershire’s Families and Communities was published in 2015 and is due to be updated and revised.

Councillor Adrian Hardman cabinet member with responsibility for adult social care at Worcestershire County Council said, “Unpaid carers play a huge part in our communities and the care they provide to vulnerable people is incredibly important. This survey will allow unpaid carers to add their opinions and their voice to our strategy for carers in Worcestershire. 

“I would really encourage anyone who has a part to play in caring for someone to take this survey.”

Carole Cumino, Chief Executive, Worcestershire Association of Carers said, “This is a real opportunity to tell us what would make a difference to you in your caring role, both now and in the future. We know how valuable your time is, but the more input we have from carers, the better the new strategy will be, so please take a few minutes to complete the survey.”

A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. 


The Unpaid Adult Carer Survey can be completed online from the Adult carers page on the Council website. The survey is open until 11:45pm on 3 August 2021.


Worcestershire Association of Carers and Worcestershire County Council will also be talking to carer groups and setting up specific meetings with groups of carers.