School admissions advice for schools and settings
The School Admissions team are responsible for the co-ordination of school applications for all schools and academies in Worcestershire and for Worcestershire residents applying for schools in other authorities.
Primary, First, Junior and Middle School applications can be made between between 1 September and the national closing date on 15 January.
High School applications can be made between 1 September and the national closing on 31 October.
The team also process applications for in-year transfers between schools, for all community and voluntary controlled schools in Worcestershire.
School admissions and in-year applications
The School Admissions team also process appeals lodged, where applications have been unsuccessful, for all community and voluntary controlled schools in Worcestershire.
Distance measuring service
For academy, foundation, free or voluntary-aided schools that are their own admission authorities, we offer a distance measuring service to provide accurate and consistent distance measurements of all children applying for your school. This enables your school to rank every application in line with your admission arrangements.
We calculate the distance using a computerised system based on ordnance survey coordinates. These are calculated as a straight line measurement between the geo-code of the pupil’s home address and the geo-code of the school.
Distance measuring does not consider walking, cycling or driving routes
The service is priced based on number of applicants
Number of applicants | Cost |
0 to 100 | £40 |
101 to 200 | £75 |
201 to 300 | £110 |
301 to 400 | £145 |
400 plus | £210 |
How to order the service
Contact the team
Email: SchoolAdmissions@worcestershire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01905 844111