Funding to support children with SEND within early years settings
If your child attends an Early Years setting and has additional needs (e.g. is supported by a specialist agency such as Speech and Language Therapy Service) then the Early Years setting may be able to access inclusion supplement funding in order to support the implementation of specific interventions designed to further your child's development.
If you child is accessing the Nursery Education Funded sessions, your provider can apply for funding via the Local Inclusion Fund.
There is also funding available for complex children who are not yet accessing their Nursery Education Funded sessions.
The parent leaflet for inclusion funding includes:
- information on all funding that is available to Early Years settings
- information on the Graduated Response - which is the cycle of support all Early Years practitioners must follow when supporting children's development
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA) - a benefit that is may be available to parents who have a child with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
- Disability Access Fund - a one off annual payment that your Early Years setting may be eligible for if you are in receipt of DLA
To access information on the funding that is available to children when they are of school age, please visit the following
website: Graduated Response (SEND support in education provision