About the Early Years Inclusion service
Information about the Early Years Inclusion service.
Children who are known to the early year’s inclusion team will be offered support as part of the universal offer. You can find out more about funding opportunities, the support available to parents of children with additional needs and view our useful resources for inclusion booklets and leaflets on the A to Z section.
If you require support for a child who is not known to the inclusion team, please contact the team directly on 01905 843099 or email eyinclusion@worcestershire.gov.uk to discuss purchasing an inclusion consultancy visit.
If you feel a child in your setting has emerging or existing special needs and/or disabilities, the Inclusion Team can support you on a range of issues relating to matters of inclusion.
The Inclusion Team encourages providers to take responsibility for making changes to their provision to meet the needs of the children in your care. The inclusion team can support the development of inclusive practice by advising on:
- supporting early identification and intervention
- observations and planning for children with SEN
- role of Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)
- guidance on Individual Support/Educational Plans and Provision Maps
- visual aids and strategies
- strategies to support specific areas of development
- behaviour management for children with SEN
- support with liaison with parents for consistency of approach
- guidance on SEN policies required within early years settings
- support with and signposting to a range of professionals and specialist agencies
- support with transition